This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

333 lines
14 KiB

var expect = require('expect.js'),
StackTraceParser = require('../lib/stacktrace-parser');
describe('StackTraceParser', function() {
var data = {
'Chrome & Chrome Mobile & Opera': [
from: "Error: with timeout\n at\n at wrapped (",
to: [
{ file: '',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 76,
column: 15 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 25 }
from: "Error: with timeout and named func\n at timeoutWithName (\n at wrapped (",
to: [
{ file: '',
methodName: 'timeoutWithName',
lineNumber: 83,
column: 15 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 25 }
from: "TypeError: Object # has no method 'objectBreakDown'\n at HTMLDocument. (\n at l (\n at Object.c.fireWith [as resolveWith] (\n at Function.x.extend.ready (\n at HTMLDocument.S (",
to: [
{ file: '',
methodName: 'HTMLDocument.',
lineNumber: 91,
column: 19 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'l',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 24882 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'Object.c.fireWith [as resolveWith]',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 25702 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'Function.x.extend.ready',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 2900 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'HTMLDocument.S',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 553 }
'Firefox': [
from: "timeoutWithName@\nwrapped@",
to: [
{ file: '',
methodName: 'timeoutWithName',
lineNumber: 83,
column: null },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: null }
from: "@\nwrapped@",
to: [
{ file: '',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 76,
column: null },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: null }
from: "@\nx.Callbacks/l@\nx.Callbacks/c.fireWith@\n.ready@\nS@",
to: [
{ file: '',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 97,
column: null },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'x.Callbacks/l',
lineNumber: 4,
column: null },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'x.Callbacks/c.fireWith',
lineNumber: 4,
column: null },
{ file: '',
methodName: '.ready',
lineNumber: 4,
column: null },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'S',
lineNumber: 4,
column: null }
'Safari': [
from: "timeoutWithName@http://bandage.local:8181/stack_traces/test:83:55\nwrapped@http://bandage.local:8181/bandage.js:51:30",
to: [ { file: 'http://bandage.local:8181/stack_traces/test',
methodName: 'timeoutWithName',
lineNumber: 83,
column: 55 },
{ file: 'http://bandage.local:8181/bandage.js',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 30 } ]
from: "http://bandage.local:8181/stack_traces/test:76:40\nwrapped@http://bandage.local:8181/bandage.js:51:30",
to: [ { file: 'http://bandage.local:8181/stack_traces/test',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 76,
column: 40 },
{ file: 'http://bandage.local:8181/bandage.js',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 30 } ]
from: "http://bandage.local:8181/stack_traces/test:97:28\nl@\nfireWith@\nready@\nS@",
to: [ { file: 'http://bandage.local:8181/stack_traces/test',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 97,
column: 28 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'l',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 24909 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'fireWith',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 50440 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'ready',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 2933 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'S',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 580 } ]
'JavaScriptCore': [
from: "timeoutWithName@stack_traces/test:83:55\nwrapped@bandage.js:51:30",
to: [ { file: 'stack_traces/test',
methodName: 'timeoutWithName',
lineNumber: 83,
column: 55 },
{ file: 'bandage.js',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 30 } ]
from: "timeoutWithName@stack_traces/test:83:55\nwrapped@42start-with-number.js:51:30",
to: [ { file: 'stack_traces/test',
methodName: 'timeoutWithName',
lineNumber: 83,
column: 55 },
{ file: '42start-with-number.js',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 30 } ]
from: "global code@stack_traces/test:83:55",
to: [ { file: 'stack_traces/test',
methodName: 'global code',
lineNumber: 83,
column: 55 } ]
'Internet Explorer': [
from: "Error: with timeout and named func\n at timeoutWithName (\n at wrapped (",
to: [ { file: '',
methodName: 'timeoutWithName',
lineNumber: 83,
column: 9 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 13 } ]
from: "Error: with timeout\n at Anonymous function (\n at wrapped (",
to: [ { file: '',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 76,
column: 9 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'wrapped',
lineNumber: 51,
column: 13 } ]
from: "TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'objectBreakDown'\n at Anonymous function (\n at l (\n at fireWith (\n at ready (\n at S (",
to: [ { file: '',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 91,
column: 7 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'l',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 24874 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'fireWith',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 25638 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'ready',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 2898 },
{ file: '',
methodName: 'S',
lineNumber: 4,
column: 551 } ]
'Node.js': [
from: "ReferenceError: test is not defined\n at repl:1:2\n at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:110:21)\n at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:239:12)\n at Interface.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)\n at emitKey (readline.js:1095:12)",
to: [ { file: 'repl',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 1,
column: 2 },
{ file: 'repl.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.self.eval',
lineNumber: 110,
column: 21 },
{ file: 'repl.js',
methodName: 'Interface.<anonymous>',
lineNumber: 239,
column: 12 },
{ file: 'events.js',
methodName: 'Interface.EventEmitter.emit',
lineNumber: 95,
column: 17 },
{ file: 'readline.js',
methodName: 'emitKey',
lineNumber: 1095,
column: 12 } ]
from: "ReferenceError: breakDown is not defined\n at null._onTimeout (repl:1:25)\n at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15)",
to: [ { file: 'repl',
methodName: 'null._onTimeout',
lineNumber: 1,
column: 25 },
{ file: 'timers.js',
methodName: 'Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout]',
lineNumber: 110,
column: 15 } ]
'io.js': [
// io.js 2.4.0
from: "ReferenceError: test is not defined\n at repl:1:1\n at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:154:27)\n at bound (domain.js:254:14)\n at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:267:12)\n at REPLServer.<anonymous> (repl.js:308:12)\n at emitOne (events.js:77:13)\n at REPLServer.emit (events.js:169:7)\n at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:210:10)\n at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:549:8)\n at REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:826:14)",
to: [ { file: 'repl',
methodName: '<unknown>',
lineNumber: 1,
column: 1 },
{ file: 'repl.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.defaultEval',
lineNumber: 154,
column: 27 },
{ file: 'domain.js',
methodName: 'bound',
lineNumber: 254,
column: 14 },
{ file: 'domain.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.runBound [as eval]',
lineNumber: 267,
column: 12 },
{ file: 'repl.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.<anonymous>',
lineNumber: 308,
column: 12 },
{ file: 'events.js',
methodName: 'emitOne',
lineNumber: 77,
column: 13 },
{ file: 'events.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.emit',
lineNumber: 169,
column: 7 },
{ file: 'readline.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.Interface._onLine',
lineNumber: 210,
column: 10 },
{ file: 'readline.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.Interface._line',
lineNumber: 549,
column: 8 },
{ file: 'readline.js',
methodName: 'REPLServer.Interface._ttyWrite',
lineNumber: 826,
column: 14 } ]
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(browser) {
describe('can parse stack trace of ' + browser, function() {
data[browser].forEach(function(browserData) {
it(browserData.from, function() {
var result = StackTraceParser.parse(browserData.from);