This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

506 lines
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Copyright 2012-2015, Yahoo Inc.
Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
var path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs'),
existsSync = fs.existsSync,
CAMEL_PATTERN = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g,
YML_PATTERN = /\.ya?ml$/,
yaml = require('js-yaml'),
libReport = require('istanbul-lib-report'),
inputError = require('./input-error');
function defaultConfig() {
var ret = {
verbose: false,
instrumentation: {
root: '.',
extensions: ['.js'],
'default-excludes': true,
excludes: [],
variable: '__coverage__',
compact: true,
'preserve-comments': false,
'complete-copy': false,
'save-baseline': false,
'baseline-file': './coverage/coverage-baseline.raw.json',
'include-all-sources': false,
'include-pid': false,
'es-modules': false,
'auto-wrap': false,
'ignore-class-methods': []
reporting: {
print: 'summary',
reports: [ 'lcov' ],
dir: './coverage',
summarizer: 'pkg',
'report-config': {}
hooks: {
'hook-run-in-context': false,
'hook-run-in-this-context': false,
'post-require-hook': null,
'handle-sigint': false
check: {
global: {
statements: 0,
lines: 0,
branches: 0,
functions: 0,
excludes: [] // Currently list of files (root + path). For future, extend to patterns.
each: {
statements: 0,
lines: 0,
branches: 0,
functions: 0,
excludes: []
ret.reporting.watermarks = libReport.getDefaultWatermarks();
ret.reporting['report-config'] = {};
return ret;
function dasherize(word) {
return word.replace(CAMEL_PATTERN, function (match, lch, uch) {
return lch + '-' + uch.toLowerCase();
function isScalar(v) {
if (v === null) { return true; }
return v !== undefined && !Array.isArray(v) && typeof v !== 'object';
function isObject(v) {
return typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && !Array.isArray(v);
function mergeObjects(explicit, template, bothWays) {
var ret = {},
keys = Object.keys(template);
if (bothWays) {
keys.push.apply(keys, Object.keys(explicit));
keys.forEach(function (k) {
var v1 = template[k],
v2 = explicit[k];
if (Array.isArray(v1)) {
ret[k] = Array.isArray(v2) && v2.length > 0 ? v2 : v1;
} else if (isObject(v1)) {
v2 = isObject(v2) ? v2 : {};
ret[k] = mergeObjects(v2, v1, bothWays);
} else if (!v1 && v2) {
ret[k] = v2;
} else {
ret[k] = isScalar(v2) ? v2 : v1;
return ret;
function mergeDefaults(explicit, implicit) {
explicit = explicit || {};
var initialMerge = mergeObjects(explicit || {}, implicit),
explicitReportConfig = (explicit.reporting || {})['report-config'] || {},
implicitReportConfig = initialMerge.reporting['report-config'] || {};
initialMerge.reporting['report-config'] = mergeObjects(explicitReportConfig, implicitReportConfig, true);
return initialMerge;
function addMethods() {
var args =,
cons = args.shift();
args.forEach(function (arg) {
var property = dasherize(arg);
cons.prototype[arg] = function () {
return this.config[property];
* Object that returns instrumentation options
* @class InstrumentOptions
* @module config
* @constructor
* @param config the instrumentation part of the config object
function InstrumentOptions(config) {
this.config = config;
* returns if default excludes should be turned on. Used by the `cover` command.
* @method defaultExcludes
* @return {Boolean} true if default excludes should be turned on
* returns if non-JS files should be copied during instrumentation. Used by the
* `instrument` command.
* @method completeCopy
* @return {Boolean} true if non-JS files should be copied
* the coverage variable name to use. Used by the `instrument` command.
* @method variable
* @return {String} the coverage variable name to use
* returns if the output should be compact JS. Used by the `instrument` command.
* @method compact
* @return {Boolean} true if the output should be compact
* returns if comments should be preserved in the generated JS. Used by the
* `cover` and `instrument` commands.
* @method preserveComments
* @return {Boolean} true if comments should be preserved in the generated JS
* returns if a zero-coverage baseline file should be written as part of
* instrumentation. This allows reporting to display numbers for files that have
* no tests. Used by the `instrument` command.
* @method saveBaseline
* @return {Boolean} true if a baseline coverage file should be written.
* Sets the baseline coverage filename. Used by the `instrument` command.
* @method baselineFile
* @return {String} the name of the baseline coverage file.
* returns if comments the JS to instrument contains es6 Module syntax.
* @method esModules
* @return {Boolean} true if code contains es6 import/export statements.
* returns if the coverage filename should include the PID. Used by the `instrument` command.
* @method includePid
* @return {Boolean} true to include pid in coverage filename.
'extensions', 'defaultExcludes', 'completeCopy',
'variable', 'compact', 'preserveComments',
'saveBaseline', 'baselineFile', 'esModules',
'includeAllSources', 'includePid', 'autoWrap', 'ignoreClassMethods');
* returns the root directory used by istanbul which is typically the root of the
* source tree. Used by the `cover` and `report` commands.
* @method root
* @return {String} the root directory used by istanbul.
InstrumentOptions.prototype.root = function () { return path.resolve(this.config.root); };
* returns an array of fileset patterns that should be excluded for instrumentation.
* Used by the `instrument` and `cover` commands.
* @method excludes
* @return {Array} an array of fileset patterns that should be excluded for
* instrumentation.
InstrumentOptions.prototype.excludes = function (excludeTests) {
var defs;
if (this.defaultExcludes()) {
defs = [ '**/node_modules/**' ];
if (excludeTests) {
defs = defs.concat(['**/test/**', '**/tests/**']);
return defs.concat(this.config.excludes);
return this.config.excludes;
InstrumentOptions.prototype.getInstrumenterOpts = function () {
return {
coverageVariable: this.variable(),
compact: this.compact(),
preserveComments: this.preserveComments(),
esModules: this.esModules(),
autoWrap: this.autoWrap(),
ignoreClassMethods: this.ignoreClassMethods()
* Object that returns reporting options
* @class ReportingOptions
* @module config
* @constructor
* @param config the reporting part of the config object
function ReportingOptions(config) {
this.config = config;
* returns the kind of information to be printed on the console. May be one
* of `summary`, `detail`, `both` or `none`. Used by the
* `cover` command.
* @method print
* @return {String} the kind of information to print to the console at the end
* of the `cover` command execution.
* returns a list of reports that should be generated at the end of a run. Used
* by the `cover` and `report` commands.
* @method reports
* @return {Array} an array of reports that should be produced
* returns the directory under which reports should be generated. Used by the
* `cover` and `report` commands.
* @method dir
* @return {String} the directory under which reports should be generated.
* returns an object that has keys that are report format names and values that are objects
* containing detailed configuration for each format. Running `istanbul help config`
* will give you all the keys per report format that can be overridden.
* Used by the `cover` and `report` commands.
* @method reportConfig
* @return {Object} detailed report configuration per report format.
addMethods(ReportingOptions, 'print', 'reports', 'dir', 'reportConfig', 'summarizer');
function isInvalidMark(v, key) {
var prefix = 'Watermark for [' + key + '] :';
if (v.length !== 2) {
return prefix + 'must be an array of length 2';
v[0] = Number(v[0]);
v[1] = Number(v[1]);
if (isNaN(v[0]) || isNaN(v[1])) {
return prefix + 'must have valid numbers';
if (v[0] < 0 || v[1] < 0) {
return prefix + 'must be positive numbers';
if (v[1] > 100) {
return prefix + 'cannot exceed 100';
if (v[1] <= v[0]) {
return prefix + 'low must be less than high';
return null;
* returns the low and high watermarks to be used to designate whether coverage
* is `low`, `medium` or `high`. Statements, functions, branches and lines can
* have independent watermarks. These are respected by all reports
* that color for low, medium and high coverage. See the default configuration for exact syntax
* using `istanbul help config`. Used by the `cover` and `report` commands.
* @method watermarks
* @return {Object} an object containing low and high watermarks for statements,
* branches, functions and lines.
ReportingOptions.prototype.watermarks = function () {
var v = this.config.watermarks,
defs = libReport.getDefaultWatermarks(),
ret = {};
Object.keys(defs).forEach(function (k) {
var mark = v[k], //it will already be a non-zero length array because of the way the merge works
message = isInvalidMark(mark, k);
if (message) {
ret[k] = defs[k];
} else {
ret[k] = mark;
return ret;
* Object that returns hook options. Note that istanbul does not provide an
* option to hook `require`. This is always done by the `cover` command.
* @class HookOptions
* @module config
* @constructor
* @param config the hooks part of the config object
function HookOptions(config) {
this.config = config;
* returns if `vm.runInContext` needs to be hooked. Used by the `cover` command.
* @method hookRunInContext
* @return {Boolean} true if `vm.runInContext` needs to be hooked for coverage
* returns if `vm.runInThisContext` needs to be hooked, in addition to the standard
* `require` hooks added by istanbul. This should be true for code that uses
* RequireJS for example. Used by the `cover` command.
* @method hookRunInThisContext
* @return {Boolean} true if `vm.runInThisContext` needs to be hooked for coverage
* returns a path to JS file or a dependent module that should be used for
* post-processing files after they have been required. See the `yui-istanbul` module for
* an example of a post-require hook. This particular hook modifies the yui loader when
* that file is required to add istanbul interceptors. Use by the `cover` command
* @method postRequireHook
* @return {String} a path to a JS file or the name of a node module that needs
* to be used as a `require` post-processor
* returns if istanbul needs to add a SIGINT (control-c, usually) handler to
* save coverage information. Useful for getting code coverage out of processes
* that run forever and need a SIGINT to terminate.
* @method handleSigint
* @return {Boolean} true if SIGINT needs to be hooked to write coverage information
addMethods(HookOptions, 'hookRunInContext', 'hookRunInThisContext', 'postRequireHook', 'handleSigint');
* represents the istanbul configuration and provides sub-objects that can
* return instrumentation, reporting and hook options respectively.
* Usage
* -----
* var configObj = require('istanbul').config.loadFile();
* console.log(configObj.reporting.reports());
* @class Configuration
* @module config
* @param {Object} obj the base object to use as the configuration
* @param {Object} overrides optional - override attributes that are merged into
* the base config
* @constructor
function Configuration(obj, overrides) {
var config = mergeDefaults(obj, defaultConfig(true));
if (isObject(overrides)) {
config = mergeDefaults(overrides, config);
if (config.verbose) {
console.error('Using configuration');
console.error(yaml.safeDump(config, { indent: 4, flowLevel: 3 }));
this.verbose = config.verbose;
this.instrumentation = new InstrumentOptions(config.instrumentation);
this.reporting = new ReportingOptions(config.reporting);
this.hooks = new HookOptions(config.hooks);
this.check = config.check; // Pass raw config sub-object.
* true if verbose logging is required
* @property verbose
* @type Boolean
* instrumentation options
* @property instrumentation
* @type InstrumentOptions
* reporting options
* @property reporting
* @type ReportingOptions
* hook options
* @property hooks
* @type HookOptions
function loadFile(file, overrides) {
var defaultConfigFile = path.resolve('.istanbul.yml'),
if (file) {
if (!existsSync(file)) {
throw inputError.create('Invalid configuration file specified:' + file);
} else {
if (existsSync(defaultConfigFile)) {
file = defaultConfigFile;
if (file) {
if (overrides && overrides.verbose === true) {
console.error('Loading config: ' + file);
configObject = file.match(YML_PATTERN) ?
yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'), { filename: file }) :
return new Configuration(configObject, overrides);
function loadObject(obj, overrides) {
return new Configuration(obj, overrides);
* methods to load the configuration object.
* Usage
* -----
* var config = require('istanbul').config,
* configObj = config.loadFile();
* console.log(configObj.reporting.reports());
* @class Config
* @module main
* @static
module.exports = {
* loads the specified configuration file with optional overrides. Throws
* when a file is specified and it is not found.
* @method loadFile
* @static
* @param {String} file the file to load. If falsy, the default config file, if present, is loaded.
* If not a default config is used.
* @param {Object} overrides - an object with override keys that are merged into the
* config object loaded
* @return {Configuration} the config object with overrides applied
loadFile: loadFile,
* loads the specified configuration object with optional overrides.
* @method loadObject
* @static
* @param {Object} obj the object to use as the base configuration.
* @param {Object} overrides - an object with override keys that are merged into the
* config object
* @return {Configuration} the config object with overrides applied
loadObject: loadObject,
* returns the default configuration object. Note that this is a plain object
* and not a `Configuration` instance.
* @method defaultConfig
* @static
* @return {Object} an object that represents the default config
defaultConfig: defaultConfig