This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Bernhard Blieninger fc05486403 initial commit taken from 6 years ago
buffer-stream.js initial commit taken from 6 years ago
index.js initial commit taken from 6 years ago
license initial commit taken from 6 years ago
package.json initial commit taken from 6 years ago initial commit taken from 6 years ago

get-stream Build Status

Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array


$ npm install --save get-stream


const fs = require('fs');
const getStream = require('get-stream');
const stream = fs.createReadStream('unicorn.txt');

getStream(stream).then(str => {
	\|/       -\(((((''''((((((((.
	-*-==//////((''  .     `)))))),
	/|\      ))| o    ;-.    '(((((                                  ,(,
	         ( `|    /  )    ;))))'                               ,_))^;(~
	            |   |   |   ,))((((_     _____------~~~-.        %,;(;(>';'~
	            o_);   ;    )))(((` ~---~  `::           \      %%~~)(v;(`('~
	                  ;    ''''````         `:       `:::|\,__,%%    );`'; ~
	                 |   _                )     /      `:|`----'     `-'
	           ______/\/~    |                 /        /
	         /~;;.____/;;'  /          ___--,-(   `;;;/
	        / //  _;______;'------~~~~~    /;;/\    /
	       //  | |                        / ;   \;;,\
	      (<_  | ;                      /',/-----'  _>
	       \_| ||_                     //~;~~~~~~~~~
	           `\_|                   (,~~


The methods returns a promise that resolves when the end event fires on the stream, indicating that there is no more data to be read. The stream is switched to flowing mode.

getStream(stream, [options])

Get the stream as a string.



Type: string
Default: utf8

Encoding of the incoming stream.


Type: number
Default: Infinity

Maximum length of the returned string. If it exceeds this value before the stream ends, the promise will be rejected.

getStream.buffer(stream, [options])

Get the stream as a buffer.

It honors the maxBuffer option as above, but it refers to byte length rather than string length.

getStream.array(stream, [options])

Get the stream as an array of values.

It honors both the maxBuffer and encoding options. The behavior changes slightly based on the encoding chosen:

  • When encoding is unset, it assumes an object mode stream and collects values emitted from stream unmodified. In this case maxBuffer refers to the number of items in the array (not the sum of their sizes).

  • When encoding is set to buffer, it collects an array of buffers. maxBuffer refers to the summed byte lengths of every buffer in the array.

  • When encoding is set to anything else, it collects an array of strings. maxBuffer refers to the summed character lengths of every string in the array.


If the input stream emits an error event, the promise will be rejected with the error. The buffered data will be attached to the bufferedData property of the error.

	.catch(err => {
		//=> 'unicorn'


How is this different from concat-stream?

This module accepts a stream instead of being one and returns a promise instead of using a callback. The API is simpler and it only supports returning a string, buffer, or array. It doesn't have a fragile type inference. You explicitly choose what you want. And it doesn't depend on the huge readable-stream package.

  • get-stdin - Get stdin as a string or buffer


MIT © Sindre Sorhus