This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

219 lines
6.7 KiB

var SVGParser = require('./core');
var Font = require('../../shapes/font');
function fontStyles(styles){
var font = {}, isFontStyle = /^(font|text-d|kerning|letter|word)[^\_]*$/;
for (var style in styles)
if (isFontStyle.test(style))
font[style] = styles[style] + (style == 'font-size' ? 'px' : '');
// Iffy
font['font-weight'] = (font['font-weight'] > 500 || font['font-weight'] == 'bold' || font['font-weight'] == 'bolder') ? 'bold' : 'normal';
font['font-style'] = font['font-style'] == 'oblique' || font['font-style'] == 'italic' ? 'italic' : 'normal';
return font;
function progressRow(row, element, styles){
var nx = element.getAttribute('x'),
ny = element.getAttribute('y'),
dx = element.getAttribute('dx'),
dy = element.getAttribute('dy');
var newRow = (nx != null && nx != '') || (ny != null && ny != '');
if (newRow){
row = [];
row.anchor = styles['text-anchor'];
row.x = row.y = 0;
if (dx) row.x += this.parseLength(dx.split(/[\s\,]+/)[0], styles, 'x');
if (dy) row.y += this.parseLength(dy.split(/[\s\,]+/)[0], styles, 'y');
if (nx != null && nx != '') row.x = this.parseLength(nx.split(/[\s\,]+/)[0], styles, 'x');
if (ny != null && ny != '') row.y = this.parseLength(ny.split(/[\s\,]+/)[0], styles, 'y');
if (newRow) row.ix = row.x;
return row;
function adjustRow(row){
var adjustment = row.anchor == 'end' ? (row.ix - row.x) : row.anchor == 'middle' ? (row.ix - row.x) / 2 : 0;
if (adjustment)
for (var i = 0, l = row.length; i < l; i++)
textElement: function(element, styles){
var group = new this.MODE.Group();
this.transform(element, group);
this.filter(styles, group);
var row = [];
row.ix = row.x = row.y = 0;
row.anchor = styles['text-anchor'];
this.tspanText(element, styles, row, group, adjustRow);
return group;
tspanText: function(element, styles, row, target, continuation){
row =, row, element, styles);
var node = element.firstChild;
var self = this;
var next = function(row){
if (node.nodeType == 3){
var text = self.textContent(node, styles);
node = node.nextSibling;
self.createText(text, styles, row, target, null, function(shape){
if (shape){
if (shape.width) row.x += shape.width + (shape.left || 0); // TODO: Adjust for rotated text
if (node) next(row); else continuation(row);
} else {
var parseFn = self[node.nodeName + 'Text'];
var current = node;
node = node.nextSibling;
if (parseFn) return, current, self.parseStyles(current, styles), row, target, node ? next : continuation);
if (node) next(row); else continuation(row);
if (node) next(row); else continuation(row);
aText: function(){
return this.tspanText.apply(this, arguments);
textPathText: function(element, styles, row, target, continuation){
this.findByURL(element.ownerDocument, element.getAttribute('xlink:href') || element.getAttribute('href'), function(path){
if (!path || !(path = path.getAttribute('d'))) return;
var text = this.elementTextContent(element, styles);
this.createText(text, styles, null, target, path, function(){
trefText: function(element, styles, row, target, continuation){
row =, row, element, styles);
this.findByURL(element.ownerDocument, element.getAttribute('xlink:href') || element.getAttribute('href'), function(ref){
if (!ref) return continuation(row);
var text = this.elementTextContent(ref, styles);
this.createText(text, styles, row, target, null, function(shape){
if (shape){
if (shape.width) row.x += shape.width + (shape.left || 0); // TODO: Adjust for rotated text
createText: function(text, styles, row, target, path, continuation){
var fontstyle = fontStyles(styles);
var create = function(font){
if (font){
var face = font.face;
fontstyle = {
fontFamily: font.face['font-family'],
fontSize: fontstyle['font-size']
if (face['font-weight'] > 500) fontstyle.fontWeight = face['font-weight'];
if (face['font-stretch'] == 'oblique' || face['font-style'] == 'oblique' || face['font-style'] == 'italic') fontstyle.fontStyle = 'italic';
var Text = font ? (this.MODE.Font || Font) : this.MODE.Text;
if (row){
var pad = row.pad || '';
row.pad = (/[\s\xA0]*$/).exec(text)[0];
if (row.length == 0) text = text.replace(/^\s+/, '');
text = pad + text.replace(/\s+$/, '');
} else {
text = text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (text == ''){
if (row && row.length == 0) row.pad = '';
var x = path ? 0 : row.x, y = path ? 0 : row.y - this.getBaseline(styles);
var shape = new Text(text, fontstyle, 'start', path);
shape.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
this.fill(styles, shape, x, y);
this.stroke(styles, shape);
this.filter(styles, shape);
if (this.findFont)
this.findFont(fontstyle, create);
elementTextContent: function(element, styles){
var node = element.firstChild, text = '';
treewalker: while (node){
if (node.nodeType == 3){
text += this.textContent(node, styles);
if (node.firstChild){
node = node.firstChild;
} else {
while (!node.nextSibling){
node = node.parentNode;
if (!node || node == element) break treewalker;
node = node.nextSibling;
return text;
textContent: function(node, styles){
var value = node.nodeValue;
if (styles['xml:space'] == 'preserve'){
value = value.replace(/\t|\r?\n/g, ' ');
} else {
value = value.replace(/\r?\n/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
return value; //.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
getBaseline: function(styles){
var metrics = this.getTextMetrics(styles),
shift = styles['baseline-shift'];
if (shift == 'baseline') shift = '0';
else if (shift== 'sub') shift = '-0.5em';
else if (shift == 'super') shift = '0.5em';
shift = this.parseLength(shift, styles, 'font');
return metrics.em + metrics.descent + shift;
getTextMetrics: function(styles){
var fontFamily = styles['font-family'],
weight = styles['font-weight'],
style = styles['font-style'],
size = styles['font-size'],
font = this.fonts && this.fonts[fontFamily.replace(/^['"\s]+|['"\s]+$/, '')];
if (font) return { em: size, descent: -(1- font.face.ascent / font.face['units-per-em']) * size };
// TODO: Use cross-platform hack to get native font descent
return { em: size, ascent: 0.85 * size, descent: -0.15 * size }; // Good guess for web safe fonts