This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
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Bernhard Blieninger fc05486403 initial commit taken from 7 years ago
example initial commit taken from 7 years ago
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.editorconfig initial commit taken from 7 years ago
.eslintignore initial commit taken from 7 years ago
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LICENSE initial commit taken from 7 years ago
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implements the node require.resolve() algorithm such that you can require.resolve() on behalf of a file asynchronously and synchronously

build status


asynchronously resolve:

var resolve = require('resolve');
resolve('tap', { basedir: __dirname }, function (err, res) {
    if (err) console.error(err);
    else console.log(res);
$ node example/async.js

synchronously resolve:

var resolve = require('resolve');
var res = resolve.sync('tap', { basedir: __dirname });
$ node example/sync.js


var resolve = require('resolve');

resolve(id, opts={}, cb)

Asynchronously resolve the module path string id into cb(err, res [, pkg]), where pkg (if defined) is the data from package.json.

options are:

  • opts.basedir - directory to begin resolving from

  • opts.package - package.json data applicable to the module being loaded

  • opts.extensions - array of file extensions to search in order

  • opts.readFile - how to read files asynchronously

  • opts.isFile - function to asynchronously test whether a file exists

  • opts.packageFilter(pkg, pkgfile) - transform the parsed package.json contents before looking at the "main" field

    • pkg - package data
    • pkgfile - path to package.json
  • opts.pathFilter(pkg, path, relativePath) - transform a path within a package

    • pkg - package data
    • path - the path being resolved
    • relativePath - the path relative from the package.json location
    • returns - a relative path that will be joined from the package.json location
  • opts.paths - require.paths array to use if nothing is found on the normal node_modules recursive walk (probably don't use this)

  • opts.moduleDirectory - directory (or directories) in which to recursively look for modules. default: "node_modules"

  • opts.preserveSymlinks - if true, doesn't resolve basedir to real path before resolving. This is the way Node resolves dependencies when executed with the --preserve-symlinks flag. Note: this property is currently true by default but it will be changed to false in the next major version because Node's resolution algorithm does not preserve symlinks by default.

default opts values:

    paths: [],
    basedir: __dirname,
    extensions: ['.js'],
    readFile: fs.readFile,
    isFile: function isFile(file, cb) {
        fs.stat(file, function (err, stat) {
            if (!err) {
                return cb(null, stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO());
            if (err.code === 'ENOENT' || err.code === 'ENOTDIR') return cb(null, false);
            return cb(err);
    moduleDirectory: 'node_modules',
    preserveSymlinks: true

resolve.sync(id, opts)

Synchronously resolve the module path string id, returning the result and throwing an error when id can't be resolved.

options are:

  • opts.basedir - directory to begin resolving from

  • opts.extensions - array of file extensions to search in order

  • opts.readFile - how to read files synchronously

  • opts.isFile - function to synchronously test whether a file exists

  • opts.packageFilter(pkg, dir) - transform the parsed package.json contents before looking at the "main" field

    • pkg - package data
    • dir - directory for package.json (Note: the second argument will change to "pkgfile" in v2)
  • opts.pathFilter(pkg, path, relativePath) - transform a path within a package

    • pkg - package data
    • path - the path being resolved
    • relativePath - the path relative from the package.json location
    • returns - a relative path that will be joined from the package.json location
  • opts.paths - require.paths array to use if nothing is found on the normal node_modules recursive walk (probably don't use this)

  • opts.moduleDirectory - directory (or directories) in which to recursively look for modules. default: "node_modules"

  • opts.preserveSymlinks - if true, doesn't resolve basedir to real path before resolving. This is the way Node resolves dependencies when executed with the --preserve-symlinks flag. Note: this property is currently true by default but it will be changed to false in the next major version because Node's resolution algorithm does not preserve symlinks by default.

default opts values:

    paths: [],
    basedir: __dirname,
    extensions: ['.js'],
    readFileSync: fs.readFileSync,
    isFile: function isFile(file) {
        try {
            var stat = fs.statSync(file);
        } catch (e) {
            if (e && (e.code === 'ENOENT' || e.code === 'ENOTDIR')) return false;
            throw e;
        return stat.isFile() || stat.isFIFO();
    moduleDirectory: 'node_modules',
    preserveSymlinks: true


Return whether a package is in core.


With npm do:

npm install resolve
