This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Bernhard Blieninger fc05486403 initial commit taken from 6 years ago
node_modules/statuses initial commit taken from 6 years ago initial commit taken from 6 years ago
LICENSE initial commit taken from 6 years ago initial commit taken from 6 years ago
index.js initial commit taken from 6 years ago
package.json initial commit taken from 6 years ago


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Create HTTP errors for Express, Koa, Connect, etc. with ease.


This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:

$ npm install http-errors


var createError = require('http-errors')
var express = require('express')
var app = express()

app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  if (!req.user) return next(createError(401, 'Please login to view this page.'))


This is the current API, currently extracted from Koa and subject to change.

All errors inherit from JavaScript Error and the exported createError.HttpError.

Error Properties

  • expose - can be used to signal if message should be sent to the client, defaulting to false when status >= 500
  • headers - can be an object of header names to values to be sent to the client, defaulting to undefined. When defined, the key names should all be lower-cased
  • message - the traditional error message, which should be kept short and all single line
  • status - the status code of the error, mirroring statusCode for general compatibility
  • statusCode - the status code of the error, defaulting to 500

createError([status], [message], [properties])

var err = createError(404, 'This video does not exist!')
  • status: 500 - the status code as a number
  • message - the message of the error, defaulting to node's text for that status code.
  • properties - custom properties to attach to the object

new createError[code || name]([msg]))

var err = new createError.NotFound()
  • code - the status code as a number
  • name - the name of the error as a "bumpy case", i.e. NotFound or InternalServerError.

List of all constructors

Status Code Constructor Name
400 BadRequest
401 Unauthorized
402 PaymentRequired
403 Forbidden
404 NotFound
405 MethodNotAllowed
406 NotAcceptable
407 ProxyAuthenticationRequired
408 RequestTimeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 LengthRequired
412 PreconditionFailed
413 PayloadTooLarge
414 URITooLong
415 UnsupportedMediaType
416 RangeNotSatisfiable
417 ExpectationFailed
418 ImATeapot
421 MisdirectedRequest
422 UnprocessableEntity
423 Locked
424 FailedDependency
425 UnorderedCollection
426 UpgradeRequired
428 PreconditionRequired
429 TooManyRequests
431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
451 UnavailableForLegalReasons
500 InternalServerError
501 NotImplemented
502 BadGateway
503 ServiceUnavailable
504 GatewayTimeout
505 HTTPVersionNotSupported
506 VariantAlsoNegotiates
507 InsufficientStorage
508 LoopDetected
509 BandwidthLimitExceeded
510 NotExtended
511 NetworkAuthenticationRequired
