This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
5.7 KiB

"use strict"
var hasUnicode = require("has-unicode")
var ansi = require("ansi")
var align = {
center: require("lodash.pad"),
left: require("lodash.padend"),
right: require("lodash.padstart")
var defaultStream = process.stderr
function isTTY() {
return process.stderr.isTTY
function getWritableTTYColumns() {
// Writing to the final column wraps the line
// We have to use stdout here, because Node's magic SIGWINCH handler only
// updates process.stdout, not process.stderr
return process.stdout.columns - 1
var ProgressBar = module.exports = function (options, cursor) {
if (! options) options = {}
if (! cursor && options.write) {
cursor = options
options = {}
if (! cursor) {
cursor = ansi(defaultStream)
this.cursor = cursor
this.showing = false
this.theme = options.theme || (hasUnicode() ? ProgressBar.unicode : ProgressBar.ascii)
this.template = options.template || [
{type: "name", separated: true, length: 25},
{type: "spinner", separated: true},
{type: "startgroup"},
{type: "completionbar"},
{type: "endgroup"}
this.updatefreq = options.maxUpdateFrequency == null ? 50 : options.maxUpdateFrequency
this.lastName = ""
this.lastCompleted = 0
this.spun = 0
this.last = new Date(0)
var self = this
this._handleSizeChange = function () {
if (!self.showing) return
ProgressBar.prototype = {}
ProgressBar.unicode = {
startgroup: "╢",
endgroup: "╟",
complete: "█",
incomplete: "░",
spinner: "▀▐▄▌",
subsection: "→"
ProgressBar.ascii = {
startgroup: "|",
endgroup: "|",
complete: "#",
incomplete: "-",
spinner: "-\\|/",
subsection: "->"
ProgressBar.prototype.setTheme = function(theme) {
this.theme = theme
ProgressBar.prototype.setTemplate = function(template) {
this.template = template
ProgressBar.prototype._enableResizeEvents = function() {
process.stdout.on('resize', this._handleSizeChange)
ProgressBar.prototype._disableResizeEvents = function() {
process.stdout.removeListener('resize', this._handleSizeChange)
ProgressBar.prototype.disable = function() {
this.disabled = true
ProgressBar.prototype.enable = function() {
this.disabled = false
ProgressBar.prototype.hide = function() {
if (!isTTY()) return
if (this.disabled) return
if (this.showing) this.cursor.up(1)
this.showing = false
var repeat = function (str, count) {
var out = ""
for (var ii=0; ii<count; ++ii) out += str
return out
ProgressBar.prototype.pulse = function(name) {
++ this.spun
if (! this.showing) return
if (this.disabled) return
var baseName = this.lastName
name = name
? ( baseName
? baseName + " " + this.theme.subsection + " " + name
: null )
: baseName
this.lastName = baseName
} = function(name, completed) {
name = this.lastName = name || this.lastName
completed = this.lastCompleted = completed || this.lastCompleted
if (!isTTY()) return
if (this.disabled) return
if (! this.spun && ! completed) return
if (this.tryAgain) return
var self = this
if (this.showing && new Date() - this.last < this.updatefreq) {
this.tryAgain = setTimeout(function () {
self.tryAgain = null
if (self.disabled) return
if (! self.spun && ! completed) return
}, this.updatefreq - (new Date() - this.last))
return drawBar()
function drawBar() {
var values = {
name: name,
spinner: self.spun,
completed: completed
self.last = new Date()
var statusline = self.renderTemplate(self.theme, self.template, values)
if (self.showing) self.cursor.up(1)
.write(statusline.substr(0, getWritableTTYColumns()) + "\n")
self.showing = true
ProgressBar.prototype.renderTemplate = function (theme, template, values) {
values.startgroup = theme.startgroup
values.endgroup = theme.endgroup
values.spinner = values.spinner
? theme.spinner.substr(values.spinner % theme.spinner.length,1)
: ""
var output = {prebar: "", postbar: ""}
var status = "prebar"
var self = this
template.forEach(function(T) {
if (typeof T === "string") {
output[status] += T
if (T.type === "completionbar") {
status = "postbar"
if (!values.hasOwnProperty(T.type)) throw new Error("Unknown template value '"+T.type+"'")
var value = self.renderValue(T, values[T.type])
if (value === "") return
var sofar = output[status].length
var lastChar = sofar ? output[status][sofar-1] : null
if (T.separated && sofar && lastChar !== " ") {
output[status] += " "
output[status] += value
if (T.separated) output[status] += " "
var bar = ""
if (status === "postbar") {
var nonBarLen = output.prebar.length + output.postbar.length
var barLen = getWritableTTYColumns() - nonBarLen
var sofar = Math.round(barLen * Math.max(0,Math.min(1,values.completed||0)))
var rest = barLen - sofar
bar = repeat(theme.complete, sofar)
+ repeat(theme.incomplete, rest)
return output.prebar + bar + output.postbar
ProgressBar.prototype.renderValue = function (template, value) {
if (value == null || value === "") return ""
var maxLength = template.maxLength || template.length
var minLength = template.minLength || template.length
var alignWith = align[template.align] || align.left
// if (maxLength) value = value.substr(-1 * maxLength)
if (maxLength) value = value.substr(0, maxLength)
if (minLength) value = alignWith(value, minLength)
return value