/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTAnimatedNode.h" #import @implementation RCTAnimatedNode { NSMapTable *_childNodes; NSMapTable *_parentNodes; } - (instancetype)initWithTag:(NSNumber *)tag config:(NSDictionary *)config { if ((self = [super init])) { _nodeTag = tag; _config = [config copy]; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)init) - (NSMapTable *)childNodes { return _childNodes; } - (NSMapTable *)parentNodes { return _parentNodes; } - (void)addChild:(RCTAnimatedNode *)child { if (!_childNodes) { _childNodes = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable]; } if (child) { [_childNodes setObject:child forKey:child.nodeTag]; [child onAttachedToNode:self]; } } - (void)removeChild:(RCTAnimatedNode *)child { if (!_childNodes) { return; } if (child) { [_childNodes removeObjectForKey:child.nodeTag]; [child onDetachedFromNode:self]; } } - (void)onAttachedToNode:(RCTAnimatedNode *)parent { if (!_parentNodes) { _parentNodes = [NSMapTable strongToWeakObjectsMapTable]; } if (parent) { [_parentNodes setObject:parent forKey:parent.nodeTag]; } } - (void)onDetachedFromNode:(RCTAnimatedNode *)parent { if (!_parentNodes) { return; } if (parent) { [_parentNodes removeObjectForKey:parent.nodeTag]; } } - (void)detachNode { for (RCTAnimatedNode *parent in _parentNodes.objectEnumerator) { [parent removeChild:self]; } for (RCTAnimatedNode *child in _childNodes.objectEnumerator) { [self removeChild:child]; } } - (void)setNeedsUpdate { _needsUpdate = YES; for (RCTAnimatedNode *child in _childNodes.objectEnumerator) { [child setNeedsUpdate]; } } - (void)updateNodeIfNecessary { if (_needsUpdate) { for (RCTAnimatedNode *parent in _parentNodes.objectEnumerator) { [parent updateNodeIfNecessary]; } [self performUpdate]; } } - (void)performUpdate { _needsUpdate = NO; // To be overidden by subclasses // This method is called on a node only if it has been marked for update // during the current update loop } @end