/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @providesModule WindowedListView * @flow */ 'use strict'; const Batchinator = require('Batchinator'); const IncrementalGroup = require('IncrementalGroup'); const React = require('React'); const ScrollView = require('ScrollView'); const Set = require('Set'); const StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet'); const Systrace = require('Systrace'); const View = require('View'); const ViewabilityHelper = require('ViewabilityHelper'); const clamp = require('clamp'); const deepDiffer = require('deepDiffer'); const infoLog = require('infoLog'); const invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant'); const nullthrows = require('fbjs/lib/nullthrows'); import type {NativeMethodsMixinType} from 'ReactNativeTypes'; const DEBUG = false; /** * An experimental ListView implementation designed for efficient memory usage * when rendering huge/infinite lists. It works by rendering a subset of rows * and replacing offscreen rows with an empty spacer, which means that it has to * re-render rows when scrolling back up. * * Note that rows must be the same height when they are re-mounted as when they * are unmounted otherwise the content will jump around. This means that any * state that affects the height, such as tap to expand, should be stored * outside the row component to maintain continuity. * * This is not a drop-in replacement for `ListView` - many features are not * supported, including section headers, dataSources, horizontal layout, etc. * * Row data should be provided as a simple array corresponding to rows. `===` * is used to determine if a row has changed and should be re-rendered. * * Rendering is done incrementally one row at a time to minimize the amount of * work done per JS event tick. Individual rows can also use * to further break up the work and keep the app responsive and improve scroll * perf if rows get exceedingly complex. * * Note that it's possible to scroll faster than rows can be rendered. Instead * of showing the user a bunch of un-mounted blank space, WLV sets contentInset * to prevent scrolling into unrendered areas. Supply the * `renderWindowBoundaryIndicator` prop to indicate the boundary to the user, * e.g. with a row placeholder. */ type Props = { /** * A simple array of data blobs that are passed to the renderRow function in * order. Note there is no dataSource like in the standard `ListView`. */ data: Array<{rowKey: string, rowData: any}>, /** * Takes a data blob from the `data` array prop plus some meta info and should * return a row. */ renderRow: ( rowData: any, sectionIdx: number, rowIdx: number, rowKey: string ) => ?React.Element, /** * Rendered when the list is scrolled faster than rows can be rendered. */ renderWindowBoundaryIndicator?: ( showIndicator: boolean, ) => ?React.Element, /** * Always rendered at the bottom of all the rows. */ renderFooter?: ( showFooter: boolean, ) => ?React.Element, /** * Pipes through normal onScroll events from the underlying `ScrollView`. */ onScroll?: (event: Object) => void, /** * Called when the rows that are visible in the viewport change. */ onVisibleRowsChanged?: (firstIdx: number, count: number) => void, /** * Called when the viewability of rows changes, as defined by the * `viewablePercentThreshold` prop. */ onViewableRowsChanged?: (viewableRows: Array) => void, /** * The percent of a row that must be visible to consider it "viewable". */ viewablePercentThreshold: number, /** * Number of rows to render on first mount. */ initialNumToRender: number, /** * Maximum number of rows to render while scrolling, i.e. the window size. */ maxNumToRender: number, /** * Number of rows to render beyond the viewport. Note that this combined with * `maxNumToRender` and the number of rows that can fit in one screen will * determine how many rows to render above the viewport. */ numToRenderAhead: number, /** * Used to log perf events for async row rendering. */ asyncRowPerfEventName?: string, /** * A function that returns the scrollable component in which the list rows * are rendered. Defaults to returning a ScrollView with the given props. */ renderScrollComponent: (props: ?Object) => React.Element, /** * Use to disable incremental rendering when not wanted, e.g. to speed up initial render. */ disableIncrementalRendering: boolean, /** * This determines how frequently events such as scroll and layout can trigger a re-render. */ recomputeRowsBatchingPeriod: number, /** * Called when rows will be mounted/unmounted. Mounted rows always form a contiguous block so it * is expressed as a range of start plus count. */ onMountedRowsWillChange?: (firstIdx: number, count: number) => void, /** * Change this when you want to make sure the WindowedListView will re-render, for example when * the result of `renderScrollComponent` might change. It will be compared in * `shouldComponentUpdate`. */ shouldUpdateToken?: string, }; type State = { boundaryIndicatorHeight?: number, firstRow: number, lastRow: number, }; class WindowedListView extends React.Component { /** * Recomputing which rows to render is batched up and run asynchronously to avoid wastful updates, * e.g. from multiple layout updates in rapid succession. */ _computeRowsToRenderBatcher: Batchinator; _firstVisible: number = -1; _lastVisible: number = -1; _scrollOffsetY: number = 0; _isScrolling: boolean = false; _frameHeight: number = 0; _rowFrames: {[key: string]: Object} = {}; _rowRenderMode: {[key: string]: null | 'async' | 'sync'} = {}; _rowFramesDirty: boolean = false; _hasCalledOnEndReached: boolean = false; _willComputeRowsToRender: boolean = false; _viewableRows: Array = []; _cellsInProgress: Set = new Set(); _scrollRef: ?ScrollView; _viewabilityHelper: ViewabilityHelper; static defaultProps = { initialNumToRender: 10, maxNumToRender: 30, numToRenderAhead: 10, viewablePercentThreshold: 50, /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.59.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an * error caught by Flow 0.59 which was not caught before. Most likely, this * error is because an exported function parameter is missing an * annotation. Without an annotation, these parameters are uncovered by * Flow. */ renderScrollComponent: (props) => , disableIncrementalRendering: false, recomputeRowsBatchingPeriod: 10, // This should capture most events that happen within a frame }; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); invariant( this.props.numToRenderAhead < this.props.maxNumToRender, 'WindowedListView: numToRenderAhead must be less than maxNumToRender' ); this._computeRowsToRenderBatcher = new Batchinator( () => this._computeRowsToRender(this.props), this.props.recomputeRowsBatchingPeriod, ); this._viewabilityHelper = new ViewabilityHelper({ viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold: this.props.viewablePercentThreshold, }); this.state = { firstRow: 0, lastRow: Math.min(this.props.data.length, this.props.initialNumToRender) - 1, }; } getScrollResponder(): ?ScrollView { return this._scrollRef && this._scrollRef.getScrollResponder && this._scrollRef.getScrollResponder(); } shouldComponentUpdate(newProps: Props, newState: State): boolean { DEBUG && infoLog('WLV: shouldComponentUpdate...'); if (newState !== this.state) { DEBUG && infoLog(' yes: ', {newState, oldState: this.state}); return true; } for (const key in newProps) { if (key !== 'data' && newProps[key] !== this.props[key]) { DEBUG && infoLog(' yes, non-data prop change: ', {key}); return true; } } const newDataSubset = newProps.data.slice(newState.firstRow, newState.lastRow + 1); const prevDataSubset = this.props.data.slice(this.state.firstRow, this.state.lastRow + 1); if (newDataSubset.length !== prevDataSubset.length) { DEBUG && infoLog( ' yes, subset length: ', {newLen: newDataSubset.length, oldLen: prevDataSubset.length} ); return true; } for (let idx = 0; idx < newDataSubset.length; idx++) { if (newDataSubset[idx].rowData !== prevDataSubset[idx].rowData || newDataSubset[idx].rowKey !== prevDataSubset[idx].rowKey) { DEBUG && infoLog( ' yes, data change: ', {idx, new: newDataSubset[idx], old: prevDataSubset[idx]} ); return true; } } DEBUG && infoLog(' knope'); return false; } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps() { this._computeRowsToRenderBatcher.schedule(); } _onMomentumScrollEnd = (e: Object) => { this._onScroll(e); }; _getFrameMetrics = (index: number): ?{length: number, offset: number} => { const frame = this._rowFrames[this.props.data[index].rowKey]; return frame && {length: frame.height, offset: frame.y}; } _onScroll = (e: Object) => { const newScrollY = e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y; this._isScrolling = this._scrollOffsetY !== newScrollY; this._scrollOffsetY = newScrollY; this._frameHeight = e.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement.height; // We don't want to enqueue any updates if any cells are in the middle of an incremental render, // because it would just be wasted work. if (this._cellsInProgress.size === 0) { this._computeRowsToRenderBatcher.schedule(); } if (this.props.onViewableRowsChanged && Object.keys(this._rowFrames).length) { const viewableRows = this._viewabilityHelper.computeViewableItems( this.props.data.length, e.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y, e.nativeEvent.layoutMeasurement.height, this._getFrameMetrics, ); if (deepDiffer(viewableRows, this._viewableRows)) { this._viewableRows = viewableRows; nullthrows(this.props.onViewableRowsChanged)(this._viewableRows); } } this.props.onScroll && this.props.onScroll(e); }; // Caller does the diffing so we don't have to. _onNewLayout = (params: {rowKey: string, layout: Object}) => { const {rowKey, layout} = params; if (DEBUG) { const prev = this._rowFrames[rowKey] || {}; infoLog( 'record layout for row: ', {k: rowKey, h: layout.height, y: layout.y, x: layout.x, hp: prev.height, yp: prev.y} ); if (this._rowFrames[rowKey]) { const deltaY = Math.abs(this._rowFrames[rowKey].y - layout.y); const deltaH = Math.abs(this._rowFrames[rowKey].height - layout.height); if (deltaY > 2 || deltaH > 2) { const dataEntry = this.props.data.find((datum) => datum.rowKey === rowKey); console.warn( 'layout jump: ', {dataEntry, prevLayout: this._rowFrames[rowKey], newLayout: layout} ); } } } this._rowFrames[rowKey] = {...layout, offscreenLayoutDone: true}; this._rowFramesDirty = true; if (this._cellsInProgress.size === 0) { this._computeRowsToRenderBatcher.schedule(); } }; _onWillUnmountCell = (rowKey: string) => { if (this._rowFrames[rowKey]) { this._rowFrames[rowKey].offscreenLayoutDone = false; this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] = null; } }; /** * This is used to keep track of cells that are in the process of rendering. If any cells are in * progress, then other updates are skipped because they will just be wasted work. */ _onProgressChange = ({rowKey, inProgress}: {rowKey: string, inProgress: boolean}) => { if (inProgress) { this._cellsInProgress.add(rowKey); } else { this._cellsInProgress.delete(rowKey); } }; componentWillUnmount() { this._computeRowsToRenderBatcher.dispose(); } _computeRowsToRender(props: Object): void { const totalRows = props.data.length; if (totalRows === 0) { this._updateVisibleRows(-1, -1); this.setState({ firstRow: 0, lastRow: -1, }); return; } const rowFrames = this._rowFrames; let firstVisible = -1; let lastVisible = 0; let lastRow = clamp(0, this.state.lastRow, totalRows - 1); const top = this._scrollOffsetY; const bottom = top + this._frameHeight; for (let idx = 0; idx < lastRow; idx++) { const frame = rowFrames[props.data[idx].rowKey]; if (!frame) { // No frame - sometimes happens when they come out of order, so just wait for the rest. return; } if (((frame.y + frame.height) > top) && (firstVisible < 0)) { firstVisible = idx; } if (frame.y < bottom) { lastVisible = idx; } else { break; } } if (firstVisible === -1) { firstVisible = 0; } this._updateVisibleRows(firstVisible, lastVisible); // Unfortuantely, we can't use to simplify our increment logic in this function // because we need to make sure that cells are rendered in the right order one at a time when // scrolling back up. const numRendered = lastRow - this.state.firstRow + 1; // Our last row target that we will approach incrementally const targetLastRow = clamp( numRendered - 1, // Don't reduce numRendered when scrolling back up lastVisible + props.numToRenderAhead, // Primary goal totalRows - 1, // Don't render past the end ); // Increment the last row one at a time per JS event loop if (targetLastRow > this.state.lastRow) { lastRow++; } else if (targetLastRow < this.state.lastRow) { lastRow--; } // Once last row is set, figure out the first row const firstRow = Math.max( 0, // Don't render past the top lastRow - props.maxNumToRender + 1, // Don't exceed max to render lastRow - numRendered, // Don't render more than 1 additional row ); if (lastRow >= totalRows) { // It's possible that the number of rows decreased by more than one // increment could compensate for. Need to make sure we don't render more // than one new row at a time, but don't want to render past the end of // the data. lastRow = totalRows - 1; } if (props.onEndReached) { // Make sure we call onEndReached exactly once every time we reach the // end. Resets if scroll back up and down again. const willBeAtTheEnd = lastRow === (totalRows - 1); if (willBeAtTheEnd && !this._hasCalledOnEndReached) { props.onEndReached(); this._hasCalledOnEndReached = true; } else { // If lastRow is changing, reset so we can call onEndReached again this._hasCalledOnEndReached = this.state.lastRow === lastRow; } } const rowsShouldChange = firstRow !== this.state.firstRow || lastRow !== this.state.lastRow; if (this._rowFramesDirty || rowsShouldChange) { if (rowsShouldChange) { props.onMountedRowsWillChange && props.onMountedRowsWillChange(firstRow, lastRow - firstRow + 1); infoLog( 'WLV: row render range will change:', {firstRow, firstVis: this._firstVisible, lastVis: this._lastVisible, lastRow}, ); } this._rowFramesDirty = false; this.setState({firstRow, lastRow}); } } _updateVisibleRows(newFirstVisible: number, newLastVisible: number) { if (this.props.onVisibleRowsChanged) { if (this._firstVisible !== newFirstVisible || this._lastVisible !== newLastVisible) { this.props.onVisibleRowsChanged(newFirstVisible, newLastVisible - newFirstVisible + 1); } } this._firstVisible = newFirstVisible; this._lastVisible = newLastVisible; } render(): React.Node { const {firstRow} = this.state; const lastRow = clamp(0, this.state.lastRow, this.props.data.length - 1); const rowFrames = this._rowFrames; const rows = []; let spacerHeight = 0; // Incremental rendering is a tradeoff between throughput and responsiveness. When we have // plenty of buffer (say 50% of the target), we render incrementally to keep the app responsive. // If we are dangerously low on buffer (say below 25%) we always disable incremental to try to // catch up as fast as possible. In the middle, we only disable incremental while scrolling // since it's unlikely the user will try to press a button while scrolling. We also ignore the // "buffer" size when we are bumped up against the edge of the available data. const firstBuffer = firstRow === 0 ? Infinity : this._firstVisible - firstRow; const lastBuffer = lastRow === this.props.data.length - 1 ? Infinity : lastRow - this._lastVisible; const minBuffer = Math.min(firstBuffer, lastBuffer); const disableIncrementalRendering = this.props.disableIncrementalRendering || (this._isScrolling && minBuffer < this.props.numToRenderAhead * 0.5) || (minBuffer < this.props.numToRenderAhead * 0.25); // Render mode is sticky while the component is mounted. for (let ii = firstRow; ii <= lastRow; ii++) { const rowKey = this.props.data[ii].rowKey; if ( this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] === 'sync' || (disableIncrementalRendering && this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] !== 'async') ) { this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] = 'sync'; } else { this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] = 'async'; } } for (let ii = firstRow; ii <= lastRow; ii++) { const rowKey = this.props.data[ii].rowKey; if (!rowFrames[rowKey]) { break; // if rowFrame missing, no following ones will exist so quit early } // Look for the first row where offscreen layout is done (only true for mounted rows) or it // will be rendered synchronously and set the spacer height such that it will offset all the // unmounted rows before that one using the saved frame data. if (rowFrames[rowKey].offscreenLayoutDone || this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] === 'sync') { if (ii > 0) { const prevRowKey = this.props.data[ii - 1].rowKey; const frame = rowFrames[prevRowKey]; spacerHeight = frame ? frame.y + frame.height : 0; } break; } } let showIndicator = false; if ( spacerHeight > (this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight || 0) && this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator ) { showIndicator = true; spacerHeight -= this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight || 0; } DEBUG && infoLog('render top spacer with height ', spacerHeight); rows.push(); if (this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator) { // Always render it, even if removed, so that we can get the height right away and don't waste // time creating/ destroying it. Should see if there is a better spinner option that is not as // expensive. rows.push( { const layout = e.nativeEvent.layout; if (layout.height !== this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight) { this.setState({boundaryIndicatorHeight: layout.height}); } }}> {this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator(showIndicator)} ); } for (let idx = firstRow; idx <= lastRow; idx++) { const rowKey = this.props.data[idx].rowKey; const includeInLayout = this._rowRenderMode[rowKey] === 'sync' || (this._rowFrames[rowKey] && this._rowFrames[rowKey].offscreenLayoutDone); rows.push( ); } const lastRowKey = this.props.data[lastRow].rowKey; const showFooter = this._rowFrames[lastRowKey] && this._rowFrames[lastRowKey].offscreenLayoutDone && lastRow === this.props.data.length - 1; if (this.props.renderFooter) { rows.push( {this.props.renderFooter(showFooter)} ); } if (this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator) { rows.push( { const layout = e.nativeEvent.layout; if (layout.height !== this.state.boundaryIndicatorHeight) { this.setState({boundaryIndicatorHeight: layout.height}); } }}> {this.props.renderWindowBoundaryIndicator(!showFooter)} ); } // Prevent user from scrolling into empty space of unmounted rows. const contentInset = {top: firstRow === 0 ? 0 : -spacerHeight}; return ( this.props.renderScrollComponent({ scrollEventThrottle: 50, removeClippedSubviews: true, ...this.props, contentInset, ref: (ref) => { this._scrollRef = ref; }, onScroll: this._onScroll, onMomentumScrollEnd: this._onMomentumScrollEnd, children: rows, }) ); } } // performance testing id, unique for each component mount cycle let g_perf_update_id = 0; type CellProps = { /** * Row-specific data passed to renderRow and used in shouldComponentUpdate with === */ rowData: mixed, rowKey: string, /** * Renders the actual row contents. */ renderRow: ( rowData: mixed, sectionIdx: number, rowIdx: number, rowKey: string ) => ?React.Element, /** * Index of the row, passed through to other callbacks. */ rowIndex: number, /** * Used for marking async begin/end events for row rendering. */ asyncRowPerfEventName: ?string, /** * Initially false to indicate the cell should be rendered "offscreen" with position: absolute so * that incremental rendering doesn't cause things to jump around. Once onNewLayout is called * after offscreen rendering has completed, includeInLayout will be set true and the finished cell * can be dropped into place. * * This is coordinated outside this component so the parent can syncronize this re-render with * managing the placeholder sizing. */ includeInLayout: boolean, /** * Updates the parent with the latest layout. Only called when incremental rendering is done and * triggers the parent to re-render this row with includeInLayout true. */ onNewLayout: (params: {rowKey: string, layout: Object}) => void, /** * Used to track when rendering is in progress so the parent can avoid wastedful re-renders that * are just going to be invalidated once the cell finishes. */ onProgressChange: (progress: {rowKey: string, inProgress: boolean}) => void, /** * Used to invalidate the layout so the parent knows it needs to compensate for the height in the * placeholder size. */ onWillUnmount: (rowKey: string) => void, }; class CellRenderer extends React.Component { _containerRef: NativeMethodsMixinType; _offscreenRenderDone = false; _timeout = 0; _lastLayout: ?Object = null; _perfUpdateID: number = 0; _asyncCookie: any; _includeInLayoutLatch: boolean = false; UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { if (this.props.asyncRowPerfEventName) { this._perfUpdateID = g_perf_update_id++; this._asyncCookie = Systrace.beginAsyncEvent( this.props.asyncRowPerfEventName + this._perfUpdateID ); // $FlowFixMe(>=0.28.0) infoLog(`perf_asynctest_${this.props.asyncRowPerfEventName}_start ${this._perfUpdateID} ` + `${Date.now()}`); } if (this.props.includeInLayout) { this._includeInLayoutLatch = true; } this.props.onProgressChange({rowKey: this.props.rowKey, inProgress: true}); } _onLayout = (e) => { const layout = e.nativeEvent.layout; const layoutChanged = deepDiffer(this._lastLayout, layout); this._lastLayout = layout; if (!this._offscreenRenderDone || !layoutChanged) { return; // Don't send premature or duplicate updates } this.props.onNewLayout({ rowKey: this.props.rowKey, layout, }); }; _updateParent() { invariant(!this._offscreenRenderDone, 'should only finish rendering once'); this._offscreenRenderDone = true; // If this is not called before calling onNewLayout, the number of inProgress cells will remain // non-zero, and thus the onNewLayout call will not fire the needed state change update. this.props.onProgressChange({rowKey: this.props.rowKey, inProgress: false}); // If an onLayout event hasn't come in yet, then we skip here and assume it will come in later. // This happens when Incremental is disabled and _onOffscreenRenderDone is called faster than // layout can happen. this._lastLayout && this.props.onNewLayout({rowKey: this.props.rowKey, layout: this._lastLayout}); DEBUG && infoLog('\n >>>>> display row ' + this.props.rowIndex + '\n\n\n'); if (this.props.asyncRowPerfEventName) { // Note this doesn't include the native render time but is more accurate than also including // the JS render time of anything that has been queued up. Systrace.endAsyncEvent( this.props.asyncRowPerfEventName + this._perfUpdateID, this._asyncCookie ); // $FlowFixMe(>=0.28.0) infoLog(`perf_asynctest_${this.props.asyncRowPerfEventName}_end ${this._perfUpdateID} ` + `${Date.now()}`); } } _onOffscreenRenderDone = () => { DEBUG && infoLog('_onOffscreenRenderDone for row ' + this.props.rowIndex); if (this._includeInLayoutLatch) { this._updateParent(); // rendered straight into layout, so no need to flush } else { this._timeout = setTimeout(() => this._updateParent(), 1); // Flush any pending layout events. } }; componentWillUnmount() { /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.63.0 site=react_native_fb) This comment suppresses an * error found when Flow v0.63 was deployed. To see the error delete this * comment and run Flow. */ clearTimeout(this._timeout); this.props.onProgressChange({rowKey: this.props.rowKey, inProgress: false}); this.props.onWillUnmount(this.props.rowKey); } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps) { if (newProps.includeInLayout && !this.props.includeInLayout) { invariant(this._offscreenRenderDone, 'Should never try to add to layout before render done'); this._includeInLayoutLatch = true; // Once we render in layout, make sure it sticks. this._containerRef.setNativeProps({style: styles.include}); } } shouldComponentUpdate(newProps: CellProps) { return newProps.rowData !== this.props.rowData; } _setRef = (ref) => { /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.53.0 site=react_native_fb,react_native_oss) This comment * suppresses an error when upgrading Flow's support for React. To see the * error delete this comment and run Flow. */ this._containerRef = ref; }; render() { let debug; if (DEBUG) { infoLog('render cell ' + this.props.rowIndex); const Text = require('Text'); debug = Row: {this.props.rowIndex} ; } const style = this._includeInLayoutLatch ? styles.include : styles.remove; return ( {debug} {this.props.renderRow(this.props.rowData, 0, this.props.rowIndex, this.props.rowKey)} {debug} ); } } const removedXOffset = DEBUG ? 123 : 0; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ include: { position: 'relative', left: 0, right: 0, opacity: 1, }, remove: { position: 'absolute', left: removedXOffset, right: -removedXOffset, opacity: DEBUG ? 0.1 : 0, }, }); module.exports = WindowedListView;