'use strict'; const MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = 'mockConstructor'; /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * */ const FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED_PATTERN = /[\s!-\/:-@\[-`{-~]/; const FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED_REPLACE = new RegExp(FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED_PATTERN.source, 'g'); const RESERVED_KEYWORDS = Object.assign(Object.create(null), { arguments: true, await: true, break: true, case: true, catch: true, class: true, const: true, continue: true, debugger: true, default: true, delete: true, do: true, else: true, enum: true, eval: true, export: true, extends: true, false: true, finally: true, for: true, function: true, if: true, implements: true, import: true, in: true, instanceof: true, interface: true, let: true, new: true, null: true, package: true, private: true, protected: true, public: true, return: true, static: true, super: true, switch: true, this: true, throw: true, true: true, try: true, typeof: true, var: true, void: true, while: true, with: true, yield: true }); function matchArity(fn, length) { let mockConstructor; switch (length) { case 1: mockConstructor = function (a) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 2: mockConstructor = function (a, b) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 3: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 4: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c, d) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 5: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c, d, e) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 6: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 7: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 8: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; case 9: mockConstructor = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; default: mockConstructor = function () { return fn.apply(this, arguments); }; break; } return mockConstructor; } function isA(typeName, value) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']'; } function getType(ref) { if (isA('Function', ref) || isA('AsyncFunction', ref)) { return 'function'; } else if (Array.isArray(ref)) { return 'array'; } else if (isA('Object', ref)) { return 'object'; } else if (isA('Number', ref) || isA('String', ref) || isA('Boolean', ref) || isA('Symbol', ref)) { return 'constant'; } else if (isA('Map', ref) || isA('WeakMap', ref) || isA('Set', ref)) { return 'collection'; } else if (isA('RegExp', ref)) { return 'regexp'; } else if (ref === undefined) { return 'undefined'; } else if (ref === null) { return 'null'; } else { return null; } } function isReadonlyProp(object, prop) { return (prop === 'arguments' || prop === 'caller' || prop === 'callee' || prop === 'name' || prop === 'length') && (isA('Function', object) || isA('AsyncFunction', object)) || (prop === 'source' || prop === 'global' || prop === 'ignoreCase' || prop === 'multiline') && isA('RegExp', object); } function getSlots(object) { const slots = {}; if (!object) { return []; } let parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object); do { if (object === Object.getPrototypeOf(Function)) { break; } const ownNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); for (let i = 0; i < ownNames.length; i++) { const prop = ownNames[i]; if (!isReadonlyProp(object, prop)) { const propDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, prop); if (!propDesc.get || object.__esModule) { slots[prop] = true; } } } object = parent; } while (object && (parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(object)) !== null); return Object.keys(slots); } function wrapAsyncParam(fn, asyncAction) { if (asyncAction === 'reject') { return value => fn(Promise.reject(value)); } return value => fn(Promise.resolve(value)); } class ModuleMockerClass { /** * @see README.md * @param global Global object of the test environment, used to create * mocks */ constructor(global) { this._environmentGlobal = global; this._mockState = new WeakMap(); this._mockConfigRegistry = new WeakMap(); this._spyState = new Set(); this.ModuleMocker = ModuleMockerClass; } _ensureMockConfig(f) { let config = this._mockConfigRegistry.get(f); if (!config) { config = this._defaultMockConfig(); this._mockConfigRegistry.set(f, config); } return config; } _ensureMockState(f) { let state = this._mockState.get(f); if (!state) { state = this._defaultMockState(); this._mockState.set(f, state); } return state; } _defaultMockConfig() { return { defaultReturnValue: undefined, isReturnValueLastSet: false, mockImpl: undefined, mockName: 'jest.fn()', specificMockImpls: [], specificReturnValues: [] }; } _defaultMockState() { return { calls: [], instances: [], timestamps: [] }; } _makeComponent(metadata, restore) { if (metadata.type === 'object') { return new this._environmentGlobal.Object(); } else if (metadata.type === 'array') { return new this._environmentGlobal.Array(); } else if (metadata.type === 'regexp') { return new this._environmentGlobal.RegExp(''); } else if (metadata.type === 'constant' || metadata.type === 'collection' || metadata.type === 'null' || metadata.type === 'undefined') { return metadata.value; } else if (metadata.type === 'function') { /* eslint-disable prefer-const */ let f; /* eslint-enable prefer-const */ const prototype = metadata.members && metadata.members.prototype && metadata.members.prototype.members || {}; const prototypeSlots = getSlots(prototype); const mocker = this; const mockConstructor = matchArity(function () { const mockState = mocker._ensureMockState(f); const mockConfig = mocker._ensureMockConfig(f); mockState.instances.push(this); mockState.calls.push(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); mockState.timestamps.push(Date.now()); if (this instanceof f) { // This is probably being called as a constructor prototypeSlots.forEach(slot => { // Copy prototype methods to the instance to make // it easier to interact with mock instance call and // return values if (prototype[slot].type === 'function') { const protoImpl = this[slot]; this[slot] = mocker.generateFromMetadata(prototype[slot]); this[slot]._protoImpl = protoImpl; } }); // Run the mock constructor implementation const mockImpl = mockConfig.specificMockImpls.length ? mockConfig.specificMockImpls.shift() : mockConfig.mockImpl; return mockImpl && mockImpl.apply(this, arguments); } const returnValue = mockConfig.defaultReturnValue; // If return value is last set, either specific or default, i.e. // mockReturnValueOnce()/mockReturnValue() is called and no // mockImplementationOnce()/mockImplementation() is called after that. // use the set return value. if (mockConfig.specificReturnValues.length) { return mockConfig.specificReturnValues.shift(); } if (mockConfig.isReturnValueLastSet) { return mockConfig.defaultReturnValue; } // If mockImplementationOnce()/mockImplementation() is last set, // or specific return values are used up, use the mock implementation. let specificMockImpl; if (returnValue === undefined) { specificMockImpl = mockConfig.specificMockImpls.shift(); if (specificMockImpl === undefined) { specificMockImpl = mockConfig.mockImpl; } if (specificMockImpl) { return specificMockImpl.apply(this, arguments); } } // Otherwise use prototype implementation if (returnValue === undefined && f._protoImpl) { return f._protoImpl.apply(this, arguments); } return returnValue; }, metadata.length || 0); f = this._createMockFunction(metadata, mockConstructor); f._isMockFunction = true; f.getMockImplementation = () => this._ensureMockConfig(f).mockImpl; if (typeof restore === 'function') { this._spyState.add(restore); } this._mockState.set(f, this._defaultMockState()); this._mockConfigRegistry.set(f, this._defaultMockConfig()); // $FlowFixMe - defineProperty getters not supported Object.defineProperty(f, 'mock', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: () => this._ensureMockState(f), set: val => this._mockState.set(f, val) }); f.mockClear = () => { this._mockState.delete(f); return f; }; f.mockReset = () => { this._mockState.delete(f); this._mockConfigRegistry.delete(f); return f; }; f.mockReturnValueOnce = value => { // next function call will return this value or default return value const mockConfig = this._ensureMockConfig(f); mockConfig.specificReturnValues.push(value); return f; }; f.mockResolvedValueOnce = wrapAsyncParam(f.mockReturnValueOnce, 'resolve'); f.mockRejectedValueOnce = wrapAsyncParam(f.mockReturnValueOnce, 'reject'); f.mockReturnValue = value => { // next function call will return specified return value or this one const mockConfig = this._ensureMockConfig(f); mockConfig.isReturnValueLastSet = true; mockConfig.defaultReturnValue = value; return f; }; f.mockResolvedValue = wrapAsyncParam(f.mockReturnValue, 'resolve'); f.mockRejectedValue = wrapAsyncParam(f.mockReturnValue, 'reject'); f.mockImplementationOnce = fn => { // next function call will use this mock implementation return value // or default mock implementation return value const mockConfig = this._ensureMockConfig(f); mockConfig.isReturnValueLastSet = false; mockConfig.specificMockImpls.push(fn); return f; }; f.mockImplementation = fn => { // next function call will use mock implementation return value const mockConfig = this._ensureMockConfig(f); mockConfig.isReturnValueLastSet = false; mockConfig.defaultReturnValue = undefined; mockConfig.mockImpl = fn; return f; }; f.mockReturnThis = () => f.mockImplementation(function () { return this; }); f.mockName = name => { if (name) { const mockConfig = this._ensureMockConfig(f); mockConfig.mockName = name; } return f; }; f.getMockName = () => { const mockConfig = this._ensureMockConfig(f); return mockConfig.mockName || 'jest.fn()'; }; if (metadata.mockImpl) { f.mockImplementation(metadata.mockImpl); } f.mockRestore = restore ? restore : () => {}; return f; } else { const unknownType = metadata.type || 'undefined type'; throw new Error('Unrecognized type ' + unknownType); } } _createMockFunction(metadata, mockConstructor) { let name = metadata.name; if (!name) { return mockConstructor; } // Preserve `name` property of mocked function. const boundFunctionPrefix = 'bound '; let bindCall = ''; // if-do-while for perf reasons. The common case is for the if to fail. if (name && name.startsWith(boundFunctionPrefix)) { do { name = name.substring(boundFunctionPrefix.length); // Call bind() just to alter the function name. bindCall = '.bind(null)'; } while (name && name.startsWith(boundFunctionPrefix)); } // Special case functions named `mockConstructor` to guard for infinite // loops. if (name === MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) { return mockConstructor; } // It's a syntax error to define functions with a reserved keyword // as name. if (RESERVED_KEYWORDS[name]) { name = '$' + name; } // It's also a syntax error to define a function with a reserved character // as part of it's name. if (FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED_PATTERN.test(name)) { name = name.replace(FUNCTION_NAME_RESERVED_REPLACE, '$'); } const body = 'return function ' + name + '() {' + 'return ' + MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME + '.apply(this,arguments);' + '}' + bindCall; const createConstructor = new this._environmentGlobal.Function(MOCK_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, body); return createConstructor(mockConstructor); } _generateMock(metadata, callbacks, refs) { const mock = this._makeComponent(metadata); if (metadata.refID != null) { refs[metadata.refID] = mock; } getSlots(metadata.members).forEach(slot => { const slotMetadata = metadata.members && metadata.members[slot] || {}; if (slotMetadata.ref != null) { callbacks.push(() => mock[slot] = refs[slotMetadata.ref]); } else { mock[slot] = this._generateMock(slotMetadata, callbacks, refs); } }); if (metadata.type !== 'undefined' && metadata.type !== 'null' && mock.prototype) { mock.prototype.constructor = mock; } return mock; } /** * @see README.md * @param metadata Metadata for the mock in the schema returned by the * getMetadata method of this module. */ generateFromMetadata(_metadata) { const callbacks = []; const refs = {}; const mock = this._generateMock(_metadata, callbacks, refs); callbacks.forEach(setter => setter()); return mock; } /** * @see README.md * @param component The component for which to retrieve metadata. */ getMetadata(component, _refs) { const refs = _refs || new Map(); const ref = refs.get(component); if (ref != null) { return { ref }; } const type = getType(component); if (!type) { return null; } const metadata = { type }; if (type === 'constant' || type === 'collection' || type === 'undefined' || type === 'null') { metadata.value = component; return metadata; } else if (type === 'function') { metadata.name = component.name; if (component._isMockFunction) { metadata.mockImpl = component.getMockImplementation(); } } metadata.refID = refs.size; refs.set(component, metadata.refID); let members = null; // Leave arrays alone if (type !== 'array') { if (type !== 'undefined') { getSlots(component).forEach(slot => { if (type === 'function' && component._isMockFunction && slot.match(/^mock/)) { return; } if (!component.hasOwnProperty && component[slot] !== undefined || component.hasOwnProperty && component.hasOwnProperty(slot) || type === 'object' && component[slot] != Object.prototype[slot]) { const slotMetadata = this.getMetadata(component[slot], refs); if (slotMetadata) { if (!members) { members = {}; } members[slot] = slotMetadata; } } }); } // If component is native code function, prototype might be undefined if (type === 'function' && component.prototype) { const prototype = this.getMetadata(component.prototype, refs); if (prototype && prototype.members) { if (!members) { members = {}; } members.prototype = prototype; } } } if (members) { metadata.members = members; } return metadata; } isMockFunction(fn) { return !!(fn && fn._isMockFunction); } fn(implementation) { const length = implementation ? implementation.length : 0; const fn = this._makeComponent({ length, type: 'function' }); if (implementation) { fn.mockImplementation(implementation); } return fn; } spyOn(object, methodName, accessType) { if (accessType) { return this._spyOnProperty(object, methodName, accessType); } if (typeof object !== 'object' && typeof object !== 'function') { throw new Error('Cannot spyOn on a primitive value; ' + this._typeOf(object) + ' given'); } const original = object[methodName]; if (!this.isMockFunction(original)) { if (typeof original !== 'function') { throw new Error('Cannot spy the ' + methodName + ' property because it is not a function; ' + this._typeOf(original) + ' given instead'); } object[methodName] = this._makeComponent({ type: 'function' }, () => { object[methodName] = original; }); object[methodName].mockImplementation(function () { return original.apply(this, arguments); }); } return object[methodName]; } _spyOnProperty(obj, propertyName) { let accessType = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'get'; if (typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function') { throw new Error('Cannot spyOn on a primitive value; ' + this._typeOf(obj) + ' given'); } if (!obj) { throw new Error('spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for ' + propertyName + ''); } if (!propertyName) { throw new Error('No property name supplied'); } const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propertyName); if (!descriptor) { throw new Error(propertyName + ' property does not exist'); } if (!descriptor.configurable) { throw new Error(propertyName + ' is not declared configurable'); } if (!descriptor[accessType]) { throw new Error('Property ' + propertyName + ' does not have access type ' + accessType); } const original = descriptor[accessType]; if (!this.isMockFunction(original)) { if (typeof original !== 'function') { throw new Error('Cannot spy the ' + propertyName + ' property because it is not a function; ' + this._typeOf(original) + ' given instead'); } descriptor[accessType] = this._makeComponent({ type: 'function' }, () => { descriptor[accessType] = original; Object.defineProperty(obj, propertyName, descriptor); }); descriptor[accessType].mockImplementation(function () { return original.apply(this, arguments); }); } Object.defineProperty(obj, propertyName, descriptor); return descriptor[accessType]; } clearAllMocks() { this._mockState = new WeakMap(); } resetAllMocks() { this._mockConfigRegistry = new WeakMap(); this._mockState = new WeakMap(); } restoreAllMocks() { this._spyState.forEach(restore => restore()); this._spyState = new Set(); } _typeOf(value) { return value == null ? '' + value : typeof value; } } module.exports = new ModuleMockerClass(global);