'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _jestMessageUtil = require('jest-message-util'); // Try getting the real promise object from the context, if available. Someone // could have overridden it in a test. const Promise = global[Symbol.for('jest-native-promise')] || global.Promise; /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * */ class Jasmine2Reporter { constructor(globalConfig, config, environment, testPath) { this._globalConfig = globalConfig; this._config = config; this._testPath = testPath; this._testResults = []; this._currentSuites = []; this._resolve = null; this._resultsPromise = new Promise(resolve => this._resolve = resolve); this._startTimes = new Map(); } specStarted(spec) { this._startTimes.set(spec.id, Date.now()); } specDone(result) { this._testResults.push(this._extractSpecResults(result, this._currentSuites.slice(0))); } suiteStarted(suite) { this._currentSuites.push(suite.description); } suiteDone() { this._currentSuites.pop(); } jasmineDone() { let numFailingTests = 0; let numPassingTests = 0; let numPendingTests = 0; const testResults = this._testResults; testResults.forEach(testResult => { if (testResult.status === 'failed') { numFailingTests++; } else if (testResult.status === 'pending') { numPendingTests++; } else { numPassingTests++; } }); const testResult = { console: null, failureMessage: (0, _jestMessageUtil.formatResultsErrors)(testResults, this._config, this._globalConfig, this._testPath), numFailingTests, numPassingTests, numPendingTests, perfStats: { end: 0, start: 0 }, snapshot: { added: 0, fileDeleted: false, matched: 0, unchecked: 0, unmatched: 0, updated: 0 }, testFilePath: this._testPath, testResults }; this._resolve(testResult); } getResults() { return this._resultsPromise; } _addMissingMessageToStack(stack, message) { // Some errors (e.g. Angular injection error) don't prepend error.message // to stack, instead the first line of the stack is just plain 'Error' const ERROR_REGEX = /^Error\s*\n/; if (stack && message && ERROR_REGEX.test(stack) && stack.indexOf(message) === -1) { return message + stack.replace(ERROR_REGEX, '\n'); } return stack; } _extractSpecResults(specResult, ancestorTitles) { const start = this._startTimes.get(specResult.id); const duration = start ? Date.now() - start : undefined; const status = specResult.status === 'disabled' ? 'pending' : specResult.status; const location = specResult.__callsite ? { column: specResult.__callsite.getColumnNumber(), // $FlowFixMe: https://github.com/facebook/flow/issues/5213 line: specResult.__callsite.getLineNumber() } : null; const results = { ancestorTitles, duration, failureMessages: [], fullName: specResult.fullName, location, numPassingAsserts: 0, // Jasmine2 only returns an array of failed asserts. status, title: specResult.description }; specResult.failedExpectations.forEach(failed => { const message = !failed.matcherName && failed.stack ? this._addMissingMessageToStack(failed.stack, failed.message) : failed.message || ''; results.failureMessages.push(message); }); return results; } } exports.default = Jasmine2Reporter;