"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _helperPluginUtils() { const data = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils"); _helperPluginUtils = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _core() { const data = require("@babel/core"); _core = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _default = (0, _helperPluginUtils().declare)((api, options) => { api.assertVersion(7); const { loose } = options; let helperName = "taggedTemplateLiteral"; if (loose) helperName += "Loose"; function buildConcatCallExressions(items) { let avail = true; return items.reduce(function (left, right) { let canBeInserted = _core().types.isLiteral(right); if (!canBeInserted && avail) { canBeInserted = true; avail = false; } if (canBeInserted && _core().types.isCallExpression(left)) { left.arguments.push(right); return left; } return _core().types.callExpression(_core().types.memberExpression(left, _core().types.identifier("concat")), [right]); }); } return { visitor: { TaggedTemplateExpression(path) { const { node } = path; const { quasi } = node; const strings = []; const raws = []; let isStringsRawEqual = true; for (const elem of quasi.quasis) { const { raw, cooked } = elem.value; const value = cooked == null ? path.scope.buildUndefinedNode() : _core().types.stringLiteral(cooked); strings.push(value); raws.push(_core().types.stringLiteral(raw)); if (raw !== cooked) { isStringsRawEqual = false; } } const scope = path.scope.getProgramParent(); const templateObject = scope.generateUidIdentifier("templateObject"); const helperId = this.addHelper(helperName); const callExpressionInput = [_core().types.arrayExpression(strings)]; if (!isStringsRawEqual) { callExpressionInput.push(_core().types.arrayExpression(raws)); } const lazyLoad = _core().template.ast` function ${templateObject}() { const data = ${_core().types.callExpression(helperId, callExpressionInput)}; ${templateObject} = function() { return data }; return data; } `; scope.path.unshiftContainer("body", lazyLoad); path.replaceWith(_core().types.callExpression(node.tag, [_core().types.callExpression(_core().types.cloneNode(templateObject), []), ...quasi.expressions])); }, TemplateLiteral(path) { const nodes = []; const expressions = path.get("expressions"); let index = 0; for (const elem of path.node.quasis) { if (elem.value.cooked) { nodes.push(_core().types.stringLiteral(elem.value.cooked)); } if (index < expressions.length) { const expr = expressions[index++]; const node = expr.node; if (!_core().types.isStringLiteral(node, { value: "" })) { nodes.push(node); } } } const considerSecondNode = !loose || !_core().types.isStringLiteral(nodes[1]); if (!_core().types.isStringLiteral(nodes[0]) && considerSecondNode) { nodes.unshift(_core().types.stringLiteral("")); } let root = nodes[0]; if (loose) { for (let i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) { root = _core().types.binaryExpression("+", root, nodes[i]); } } else if (nodes.length > 1) { root = buildConcatCallExressions(nodes); } path.replaceWith(root); } } }; }); exports.default = _default;