"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _helperPluginUtils() { const data = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils"); _helperPluginUtils = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _tdz = require("./tdz"); function _values() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/values")); _values = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _extend() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("lodash/extend")); _extend = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _core() { const data = require("@babel/core"); _core = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const DONE = new WeakSet(); var _default = (0, _helperPluginUtils().declare)((api, opts) => { api.assertVersion(7); const { throwIfClosureRequired = false, tdz: tdzEnabled = false } = opts; if (typeof throwIfClosureRequired !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`.throwIfClosureRequired must be a boolean, or undefined`); } if (typeof tdzEnabled !== "boolean") { throw new Error(`.throwIfClosureRequired must be a boolean, or undefined`); } return { visitor: { VariableDeclaration(path) { const { node, parent, scope } = path; if (!isBlockScoped(node)) return; convertBlockScopedToVar(path, null, parent, scope, true); if (node._tdzThis) { const nodes = [node]; for (let i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { const decl = node.declarations[i]; if (decl.init) { const assign = _core().types.assignmentExpression("=", decl.id, decl.init); assign._ignoreBlockScopingTDZ = true; nodes.push(_core().types.expressionStatement(assign)); } decl.init = this.addHelper("temporalUndefined"); } node._blockHoist = 2; if (path.isCompletionRecord()) { nodes.push(_core().types.expressionStatement(scope.buildUndefinedNode())); } path.replaceWithMultiple(nodes); } }, Loop(path, state) { const { parent, scope } = path; path.ensureBlock(); const blockScoping = new BlockScoping(path, path.get("body"), parent, scope, throwIfClosureRequired, tdzEnabled, state); const replace = blockScoping.run(); if (replace) path.replaceWith(replace); }, CatchClause(path, state) { const { parent, scope } = path; const blockScoping = new BlockScoping(null, path.get("body"), parent, scope, throwIfClosureRequired, tdzEnabled, state); blockScoping.run(); }, "BlockStatement|SwitchStatement|Program"(path, state) { if (!ignoreBlock(path)) { const blockScoping = new BlockScoping(null, path, path.parent, path.scope, throwIfClosureRequired, tdzEnabled, state); blockScoping.run(); } } } }; }); exports.default = _default; function ignoreBlock(path) { return _core().types.isLoop(path.parent) || _core().types.isCatchClause(path.parent); } const buildRetCheck = (0, _core().template)(` if (typeof RETURN === "object") return RETURN.v; `); function isBlockScoped(node) { if (!_core().types.isVariableDeclaration(node)) return false; if (node[_core().types.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL]) return true; if (node.kind !== "let" && node.kind !== "const") return false; return true; } function isInLoop(path) { const loopOrFunctionParent = path.find(path => path.isLoop() || path.isFunction()); return loopOrFunctionParent && loopOrFunctionParent.isLoop(); } function convertBlockScopedToVar(path, node, parent, scope, moveBindingsToParent = false) { if (!node) { node = path.node; } if (isInLoop(path) && !_core().types.isFor(parent)) { for (let i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { const declar = node.declarations[i]; declar.init = declar.init || scope.buildUndefinedNode(); } } node[_core().types.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL] = true; node.kind = "var"; if (moveBindingsToParent) { const parentScope = scope.getFunctionParent() || scope.getProgramParent(); const ids = path.getBindingIdentifiers(); for (const name in ids) { const binding = scope.getOwnBinding(name); if (binding) binding.kind = "var"; scope.moveBindingTo(name, parentScope); } } } function isVar(node) { return _core().types.isVariableDeclaration(node, { kind: "var" }) && !isBlockScoped(node); } const letReferenceBlockVisitor = _core().traverse.visitors.merge([{ Loop: { enter(path, state) { state.loopDepth++; }, exit(path, state) { state.loopDepth--; } }, Function(path, state) { if (state.loopDepth > 0) { path.traverse(letReferenceFunctionVisitor, state); } return path.skip(); } }, _tdz.visitor]); const letReferenceFunctionVisitor = _core().traverse.visitors.merge([{ ReferencedIdentifier(path, state) { const ref = state.letReferences[path.node.name]; if (!ref) return; const localBinding = path.scope.getBindingIdentifier(path.node.name); if (localBinding && localBinding !== ref) return; state.closurify = true; } }, _tdz.visitor]); const hoistVarDeclarationsVisitor = { enter(path, self) { const { node, parent } = path; if (path.isForStatement()) { if (isVar(node.init, node)) { const nodes = self.pushDeclar(node.init); if (nodes.length === 1) { node.init = nodes[0]; } else { node.init = _core().types.sequenceExpression(nodes); } } } else if (path.isFor()) { if (isVar(node.left, node)) { self.pushDeclar(node.left); node.left = node.left.declarations[0].id; } } else if (isVar(node, parent)) { path.replaceWithMultiple(self.pushDeclar(node).map(expr => _core().types.expressionStatement(expr))); } else if (path.isFunction()) { return path.skip(); } } }; const loopLabelVisitor = { LabeledStatement({ node }, state) { state.innerLabels.push(node.label.name); } }; const continuationVisitor = { enter(path, state) { if (path.isAssignmentExpression() || path.isUpdateExpression()) { const bindings = path.getBindingIdentifiers(); for (const name in bindings) { if (state.outsideReferences[name] !== path.scope.getBindingIdentifier(name)) { continue; } state.reassignments[name] = true; } } else if (path.isReturnStatement()) { state.returnStatements.push(path); } } }; function loopNodeTo(node) { if (_core().types.isBreakStatement(node)) { return "break"; } else if (_core().types.isContinueStatement(node)) { return "continue"; } } const loopVisitor = { Loop(path, state) { const oldIgnoreLabeless = state.ignoreLabeless; state.ignoreLabeless = true; path.traverse(loopVisitor, state); state.ignoreLabeless = oldIgnoreLabeless; path.skip(); }, Function(path) { path.skip(); }, SwitchCase(path, state) { const oldInSwitchCase = state.inSwitchCase; state.inSwitchCase = true; path.traverse(loopVisitor, state); state.inSwitchCase = oldInSwitchCase; path.skip(); }, "BreakStatement|ContinueStatement|ReturnStatement"(path, state) { const { node, parent, scope } = path; if (node[this.LOOP_IGNORE]) return; let replace; let loopText = loopNodeTo(node); if (loopText) { if (node.label) { if (state.innerLabels.indexOf(node.label.name) >= 0) { return; } loopText = `${loopText}|${node.label.name}`; } else { if (state.ignoreLabeless) return; if (_core().types.isBreakStatement(node) && _core().types.isSwitchCase(parent)) return; } state.hasBreakContinue = true; state.map[loopText] = node; replace = _core().types.stringLiteral(loopText); } if (path.isReturnStatement()) { state.hasReturn = true; replace = _core().types.objectExpression([_core().types.objectProperty(_core().types.identifier("v"), node.argument || scope.buildUndefinedNode())]); } if (replace) { replace = _core().types.returnStatement(replace); replace[this.LOOP_IGNORE] = true; path.skip(); path.replaceWith(_core().types.inherits(replace, node)); } } }; class BlockScoping { constructor(loopPath, blockPath, parent, scope, throwIfClosureRequired, tdzEnabled, state) { this.parent = parent; this.scope = scope; this.state = state; this.throwIfClosureRequired = throwIfClosureRequired; this.tdzEnabled = tdzEnabled; this.blockPath = blockPath; this.block = blockPath.node; this.outsideLetReferences = Object.create(null); this.hasLetReferences = false; this.letReferences = Object.create(null); this.body = []; if (loopPath) { this.loopParent = loopPath.parent; this.loopLabel = _core().types.isLabeledStatement(this.loopParent) && this.loopParent.label; this.loopPath = loopPath; this.loop = loopPath.node; } } run() { const block = this.block; if (DONE.has(block)) return; DONE.add(block); const needsClosure = this.getLetReferences(); this.checkConstants(); if (_core().types.isFunction(this.parent) || _core().types.isProgram(this.block)) { this.updateScopeInfo(); return; } if (!this.hasLetReferences) return; if (needsClosure) { this.wrapClosure(); } else { this.remap(); } this.updateScopeInfo(needsClosure); if (this.loopLabel && !_core().types.isLabeledStatement(this.loopParent)) { return _core().types.labeledStatement(this.loopLabel, this.loop); } } checkConstants() { const scope = this.scope; const state = this.state; for (const name in scope.bindings) { const binding = scope.bindings[name]; if (binding.kind !== "const") continue; for (const violation of binding.constantViolations) { const readOnlyError = state.addHelper("readOnlyError"); const throwNode = _core().types.callExpression(readOnlyError, [_core().types.stringLiteral(name)]); if (violation.isAssignmentExpression()) { violation.get("right").replaceWith(_core().types.sequenceExpression([throwNode, violation.get("right").node])); } else if (violation.isUpdateExpression()) { violation.replaceWith(_core().types.sequenceExpression([throwNode, violation.node])); } else if (violation.isForXStatement()) { violation.ensureBlock(); violation.node.body.body.unshift(_core().types.expressionStatement(throwNode)); } } } } updateScopeInfo(wrappedInClosure) { const scope = this.scope; const parentScope = scope.getFunctionParent() || scope.getProgramParent(); const letRefs = this.letReferences; for (const key in letRefs) { const ref = letRefs[key]; const binding = scope.getBinding(ref.name); if (!binding) continue; if (binding.kind === "let" || binding.kind === "const") { binding.kind = "var"; if (wrappedInClosure) { scope.removeBinding(ref.name); } else { scope.moveBindingTo(ref.name, parentScope); } } } } remap() { const letRefs = this.letReferences; const scope = this.scope; for (const key in letRefs) { const ref = letRefs[key]; if (scope.parentHasBinding(key) || scope.hasGlobal(key)) { if (scope.hasOwnBinding(key)) { scope.rename(ref.name); } if (this.blockPath.scope.hasOwnBinding(key)) { this.blockPath.scope.rename(ref.name); } } } } wrapClosure() { if (this.throwIfClosureRequired) { throw this.blockPath.buildCodeFrameError("Compiling let/const in this block would add a closure " + "(throwIfClosureRequired)."); } const block = this.block; const outsideRefs = this.outsideLetReferences; if (this.loop) { for (const name in outsideRefs) { const id = outsideRefs[name]; if (this.scope.hasGlobal(id.name) || this.scope.parentHasBinding(id.name)) { delete outsideRefs[id.name]; delete this.letReferences[id.name]; this.scope.rename(id.name); this.letReferences[id.name] = id; outsideRefs[id.name] = id; } } } this.has = this.checkLoop(); this.hoistVarDeclarations(); const args = (0, _values().default)(outsideRefs).map(id => _core().types.cloneNode(id)); const params = args.map(id => _core().types.cloneNode(id)); const isSwitch = this.blockPath.isSwitchStatement(); const fn = _core().types.functionExpression(null, params, _core().types.blockStatement(isSwitch ? [block] : block.body)); this.addContinuations(fn); let call = _core().types.callExpression(_core().types.nullLiteral(), args); let basePath = ".callee"; const hasYield = _core().traverse.hasType(fn.body, "YieldExpression", _core().types.FUNCTION_TYPES); if (hasYield) { fn.generator = true; call = _core().types.yieldExpression(call, true); basePath = ".argument" + basePath; } const hasAsync = _core().traverse.hasType(fn.body, "AwaitExpression", _core().types.FUNCTION_TYPES); if (hasAsync) { fn.async = true; call = _core().types.awaitExpression(call); basePath = ".argument" + basePath; } let placeholderPath; let index; if (this.has.hasReturn || this.has.hasBreakContinue) { const ret = this.scope.generateUid("ret"); this.body.push(_core().types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core().types.variableDeclarator(_core().types.identifier(ret), call)])); placeholderPath = "declarations.0.init" + basePath; index = this.body.length - 1; this.buildHas(ret); } else { this.body.push(_core().types.expressionStatement(call)); placeholderPath = "expression" + basePath; index = this.body.length - 1; } let callPath; if (isSwitch) { const { parentPath, listKey, key } = this.blockPath; this.blockPath.replaceWithMultiple(this.body); callPath = parentPath.get(listKey)[key + index]; } else { block.body = this.body; callPath = this.blockPath.get("body")[index]; } const placeholder = callPath.get(placeholderPath); let fnPath; if (this.loop) { const loopId = this.scope.generateUid("loop"); const p = this.loopPath.insertBefore(_core().types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core().types.variableDeclarator(_core().types.identifier(loopId), fn)])); placeholder.replaceWith(_core().types.identifier(loopId)); fnPath = p[0].get("declarations.0.init"); } else { placeholder.replaceWith(fn); fnPath = placeholder; } fnPath.unwrapFunctionEnvironment(); } addContinuations(fn) { const state = { reassignments: {}, returnStatements: [], outsideReferences: this.outsideLetReferences }; this.scope.traverse(fn, continuationVisitor, state); for (let i = 0; i < fn.params.length; i++) { const param = fn.params[i]; if (!state.reassignments[param.name]) continue; const paramName = param.name; const newParamName = this.scope.generateUid(param.name); fn.params[i] = _core().types.identifier(newParamName); this.scope.rename(paramName, newParamName, fn); state.returnStatements.forEach(returnStatement => { returnStatement.insertBefore(_core().types.expressionStatement(_core().types.assignmentExpression("=", _core().types.identifier(paramName), _core().types.identifier(newParamName)))); }); fn.body.body.push(_core().types.expressionStatement(_core().types.assignmentExpression("=", _core().types.identifier(paramName), _core().types.identifier(newParamName)))); } } getLetReferences() { const block = this.block; let declarators = []; if (this.loop) { const init = this.loop.left || this.loop.init; if (isBlockScoped(init)) { declarators.push(init); (0, _extend().default)(this.outsideLetReferences, _core().types.getBindingIdentifiers(init)); } } const addDeclarationsFromChild = (path, node) => { node = node || path.node; if (_core().types.isClassDeclaration(node) || _core().types.isFunctionDeclaration(node) || isBlockScoped(node)) { if (isBlockScoped(node)) { convertBlockScopedToVar(path, node, block, this.scope); } declarators = declarators.concat(node.declarations || node); } if (_core().types.isLabeledStatement(node)) { addDeclarationsFromChild(path.get("body"), node.body); } }; if (block.body) { const declarPaths = this.blockPath.get("body"); for (let i = 0; i < block.body.length; i++) { addDeclarationsFromChild(declarPaths[i]); } } if (block.cases) { const declarPaths = this.blockPath.get("cases"); for (let i = 0; i < block.cases.length; i++) { const consequents = block.cases[i].consequent; for (let j = 0; j < consequents.length; j++) { const declar = consequents[j]; addDeclarationsFromChild(declarPaths[i], declar); } } } for (let i = 0; i < declarators.length; i++) { const declar = declarators[i]; const keys = _core().types.getBindingIdentifiers(declar, false, true); (0, _extend().default)(this.letReferences, keys); this.hasLetReferences = true; } if (!this.hasLetReferences) return; const state = { letReferences: this.letReferences, closurify: false, loopDepth: 0, tdzEnabled: this.tdzEnabled, addHelper: name => this.addHelper(name) }; if (isInLoop(this.blockPath)) { state.loopDepth++; } this.blockPath.traverse(letReferenceBlockVisitor, state); return state.closurify; } checkLoop() { const state = { hasBreakContinue: false, ignoreLabeless: false, inSwitchCase: false, innerLabels: [], hasReturn: false, isLoop: !!this.loop, map: {}, LOOP_IGNORE: Symbol() }; this.blockPath.traverse(loopLabelVisitor, state); this.blockPath.traverse(loopVisitor, state); return state; } hoistVarDeclarations() { this.blockPath.traverse(hoistVarDeclarationsVisitor, this); } pushDeclar(node) { const declars = []; const names = _core().types.getBindingIdentifiers(node); for (const name in names) { declars.push(_core().types.variableDeclarator(names[name])); } this.body.push(_core().types.variableDeclaration(node.kind, declars)); const replace = []; for (let i = 0; i < node.declarations.length; i++) { const declar = node.declarations[i]; if (!declar.init) continue; const expr = _core().types.assignmentExpression("=", _core().types.cloneNode(declar.id), _core().types.cloneNode(declar.init)); replace.push(_core().types.inherits(expr, declar)); } return replace; } buildHas(ret) { const body = this.body; let retCheck; const has = this.has; const cases = []; if (has.hasReturn) { retCheck = buildRetCheck({ RETURN: _core().types.identifier(ret) }); } if (has.hasBreakContinue) { for (const key in has.map) { cases.push(_core().types.switchCase(_core().types.stringLiteral(key), [has.map[key]])); } if (has.hasReturn) { cases.push(_core().types.switchCase(null, [retCheck])); } if (cases.length === 1) { const single = cases[0]; body.push(_core().types.ifStatement(_core().types.binaryExpression("===", _core().types.identifier(ret), single.test), single.consequent[0])); } else { if (this.loop) { for (let i = 0; i < cases.length; i++) { const caseConsequent = cases[i].consequent[0]; if (_core().types.isBreakStatement(caseConsequent) && !caseConsequent.label) { if (!this.loopLabel) { this.loopLabel = this.scope.generateUidIdentifier("loop"); } caseConsequent.label = _core().types.cloneNode(this.loopLabel); } } } body.push(_core().types.switchStatement(_core().types.identifier(ret), cases)); } } else { if (has.hasReturn) { body.push(retCheck); } } } }