/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ 'use strict'; const url = require('url'); const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; const PROTOCOL_VERSION = 2; const notifier = require('node-notifier'); function parseMessage(data, binary) { if (binary) { console.error('Expected text message, got binary!'); return undefined; } try { const message = JSON.parse(data); if (message.version === PROTOCOL_VERSION) { return message; } console.error('Received message had wrong protocol version: ' + message.version); } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to parse the message as JSON:\n' + data); } return undefined; } function isBroadcast(message) { return ( typeof message.method === 'string' && message.id === undefined && message.target === undefined ); } function isRequest(message) { return ( typeof message.method === 'string' && typeof message.target === 'string'); } function isResponse(message) { return ( typeof message.id === 'object' && typeof message.id.requestId !== undefined && typeof message.id.clientId === 'string' && ( message.result !== undefined || message.error !== undefined )); } function attachToServer(server, path) { const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: server, path: path }); const clients = new Map(); let nextClientId = 0; function getClientWs(clientId) { const clientWs = clients.get(clientId); if (clientWs === undefined) { throw `could not find id "${clientId}" while forwarding request`; } return clientWs; } function handleSendBroadcast(broadcasterId, message) { const forwarded = { version: PROTOCOL_VERSION, method: message.method, params: message.params, }; if (clients.size === 0) { notifier.notify({ 'title': 'React Native: No apps connected', 'message': `Sending '${message.method}' to all React Native apps ` + 'failed. Make sure your app is running in the simulator ' + 'or on a phone connected via USB.' }); } for (const [otherId, otherWs] of clients) { if (otherId !== broadcasterId) { try { otherWs.send(JSON.stringify(forwarded)); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to send broadcast to client: '${otherId}' ` + `due to:\n ${e.toString()}`); } } } } wss.on('connection', function(clientWs) { const clientId = `client#${nextClientId++}`; function handleCaughtError(message, error) { const errorMessage = { id: message.id, method: message.method, target: message.target, error: message.error === undefined ? 'undefined' : 'defined', params: message.params === undefined ? 'undefined' : 'defined', result: message.result === undefined ? 'undefined' : 'defined', }; if (message.id === undefined) { console.error( `Handling message from ${clientId} failed with:\n${error}\n` + `message:\n${JSON.stringify(errorMessage)}`); } else { try { clientWs.send(JSON.stringify({ version: PROTOCOL_VERSION, error: error, id: message.id, })); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to reply to ${clientId} with error:\n${error}` + `\nmessage:\n${JSON.stringify(errorMessage)}` + `\ndue to error: ${e.toString()}`); } } } function handleServerRequest(message) { let result = null; switch (message.method) { case 'getid': result = clientId; break; case 'getpeers': result = {}; clients.forEach((otherWs, otherId) => { if (clientId !== otherId) { result[otherId] = url.parse(otherWs.upgradeReq.url, true).query; } }); break; default: throw `unknown method: ${message.method}`; } clientWs.send(JSON.stringify({ version: PROTOCOL_VERSION, result: result, id: message.id })); } function forwardRequest(message) { getClientWs(message.target).send(JSON.stringify({ version: PROTOCOL_VERSION, method: message.method, params: message.params, id: (message.id === undefined ? undefined : {requestId: message.id, clientId: clientId}), })); } function forwardResponse(message) { getClientWs(message.id.clientId).send(JSON.stringify({ version: PROTOCOL_VERSION, result: message.result, error: message.error, id: message.id.requestId, })); } clients.set(clientId, clientWs); clientWs.onclose = clientWs.onerror = () => { clientWs.onmessage = null; clients.delete(clientId); }; clientWs.onmessage = (event) => { const message = parseMessage(event.data, event.binary); if (message === undefined) { console.error('Received message not matching protocol'); return; } try { if (isBroadcast(message)) { handleSendBroadcast(clientId, message); } else if (isRequest(message)) { if (message.target === 'server') { handleServerRequest(message); } else { forwardRequest(message); } } else if (isResponse(message)) { forwardResponse(message); } else { throw 'Invalid message, did not match the protocol'; } } catch (e) { handleCaughtError(message, e.toString()); } }; }); return { broadcast: (method, params) => { handleSendBroadcast(null, {method: method, params: params}); } }; } module.exports = { attachToServer: attachToServer, parseMessage: parseMessage, };