var Class = require('../../core/class'); var Container = require('../../dom/container'); var Element = require('../../dom/native'); var fps = 1000 / 60, invalids = [], renderTimer, renderInvalids = function(){ clearTimeout(renderTimer); renderTimer = null; var canvases = invalids; invalids = []; for (var i = 0, l = canvases.length; i < l; i++){ var c = canvases[i]; c._valid = true; c.render(); } }; var resolution = typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.devicePixelRatio || 1; var previousHit = null, previousHitSurface = null; var CanvasSurface = Class(Element, Container, { initialize: function(width, height, existingElement){ var element = this.element = existingElement || document.createElement('canvas'); var context = this.context = element.getContext('2d'); this._valid = true; if (width != null && height != null) this.resize(width, height); element.addEventListener('mousemove', this, false); element.addEventListener('mouseout', this, false); element.addEventListener('mouseover', this, false); element.addEventListener('mouseup', this, false); element.addEventListener('mousedown', this, false); element.addEventListener('click', this, false); }, handleEvent: function(event){ if (event.clientX == null) return; var element = this.element, rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(), x = event.clientX - rect.left - element.clientLeft, y = event.clientY - - element.clientTop, hit = this.hitTest(x, y); if (hit !== previousHit){ if (previousHit){ previousHit.dispatch({ type: 'mouseout', target: previousHit, relatedTarget: hit, sourceEvent: event }); } if (hit){ hit.dispatch({ type: 'mouseover', target: hit, relatedTarget: previousHit, sourceEvent: event }); } previousHit = hit; previousHitSurface = this; this.refreshCursor(); } if (hit) hit.dispatch(event); }, refreshCursor: function(){ if (previousHitSurface !== this) return; var hit = previousHit, hitCursor = '', hitTooltip = ''; while (hit){ if (!hitCursor && hit._cursor){ hitCursor = hit._cursor; if (hitTooltip) break; } if (!hitTooltip && hit._tooltip){ hitTooltip = hit._tooltip; if (hitCursor) break; } hit = hit.parentNode; } // TODO: No way to set cursor/title on the surface = hitCursor; this.element.title = hitTooltip; }, resize: function(width, height){ var element = this.element; element.setAttribute('width', width * resolution); element.setAttribute('height', height * resolution); = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; this.width = width; this.height = height; return this; }, invalidate: function(left, top, width, height){ if (this._valid){ this._valid = false; invalids.push(this); if (!renderTimer){ if (window.mozRequestAnimationFrame){ renderTimer = true; window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(renderInvalids); } else { renderTimer = setTimeout(renderInvalids, fps); } } } return this; }, hitTest: function(x, y){ if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > this.width || y > this.height) return null; var node = this.lastChild; while (node){ var hit = node.hitTest(x, y); if (hit) return hit; node = node.previousSibling; } return null; }, render: function(){ var node = this.firstChild, context = this.context; context.setTransform(resolution, 0, 0, resolution, 0, 0); context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height); while (node){ node.renderTo(context, resolution, 0, 0, resolution, 0, 0); node = node.nextSibling; } this.refreshCursor(); } }); CanvasSurface.tagName = 'canvas'; module.exports = CanvasSurface;