This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community.
Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
36 lines
1.6 KiB
36 lines
1.6 KiB
7 years ago
| do |spec|
| = 'Folly'
spec.version = '2016.09.26.00'
spec.license = { :type => 'Apache License, Version 2.0' }
spec.homepage = ''
spec.summary = 'An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.'
spec.authors = 'Facebook'
spec.source = { :git => '',
:tag => "v#{spec.version}" }
spec.module_name = 'folly'
spec.dependency 'boost-for-react-native'
spec.dependency 'DoubleConversion'
spec.dependency 'glog'
spec.source_files = 'folly/Bits.cpp',
# workaround for
spec.preserve_paths = 'folly/*.h',
spec.libraries = "stdc++"
spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { "USE_HEADERMAP" => "NO",
"HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/boost-for-react-native\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/DoubleConversion\"" }
# Pinning to the same version as React.podspec.
spec.platforms = { :ios => "8.0", :tvos => "9.2" }