This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
4.6 KiB

name : SheetParser.CSS
authors : Thomas Aylott
copyright : © 2010 Thomas Aylott
license : MIT
provides : SheetParser.CSS
requires : combineRegExp
var UNDEF = {undefined:1}
if (!exports.SheetParser) exports.SheetParser = {}
var combineRegExp = UNDEF[typeof require]
? exports.combineRegExp
: require('./sg-regex-tools').combineRegExp
var SheetParser = exports.SheetParser
/*<debug>*/;if (UNDEF[typeof combineRegExp]) throw new Error('Missing required function: "combineRegExp"');/*</debug>*/
var CSS = SheetParser.CSS = {version: '1.0.2 dev'}
CSS.trim = trim
function trim(str){
var str = (''+str).replace(/^\s\s*/, ''),
ws = /\s/,
i = str.length;
while (ws.test(str.charAt(--i)));
return str.slice(0, i + 1);
CSS.camelCase = function(string){
return ('' + string).replace(camelCaseSearch, camelCaseReplace)
var camelCaseSearch = /-\D/g
function camelCaseReplace(match){
return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase()
CSS.parse = function(cssText){
var found
, rule
, rules = {length:0}
, keyIndex = -1
, regex = this.parser
, names = CSS.parser.names
, i,r,l
, ruleCount
rules.cssText = cssText = trim(cssText)
// strip comments
cssText = cssText.replace(CSS.comment, '');
regex.lastIndex = 0
while ((found = regex.exec(cssText))){
// avoid an infinite loop on zero-length keys
if (regex.lastIndex == found.index) ++ regex.lastIndex
// key:value
if (found[names._key]){
rules[rules.length ++] = found[names._key]
rules[found[names._key]] = found[names._value]
rules[CSS.camelCase(found[names._key])] = found[names._value]
rules[rules.length++] = rule = {}
for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; ++i){
if (!(names[i-1] && found[i])) continue
rule[names[i-1]] = trim(found[i])
var atKey, atRule, atList, atI
for (i = 0, l = rules.length; i < l; ++i){
if (!rules[i]) continue
if (rules[i]._style_cssText){
rules[i].style = CSS.parse(rules[i]._style_cssText)
delete rules[i]._style_cssText
// _atKey/_atValue
if (atKey = rules[i]._atKey){
atKey = CSS.camelCase(atKey)
atRule = {length:0}
rules[i][atKey] = atRule
atRule["_source"] =
atRule[atKey + "Text"] = rules[i]._atValue
atList = ('' + rules[i]._atValue).split(/,\s*/)
for (atI = 0; atI < atList.length; ++atI){
atRule[atRule.length ++] = atList[atI]
rules[i].length = 1
rules[i][0] = atKey
delete rules[i]._atKey
delete rules[i]._atValue
if (rules[i].style)
for (ruleCount = -1, r = -1, rule; rule = rules[i].style[++r];){
if (typeof rule == 'string') continue
rules[i][r] = (rules[i].cssRules || (rules[i].cssRules = {}))[++ ruleCount] = rule
rules[i].cssRules.length = ruleCount + 1
rules[i].rules = rules[i].cssRules
return rules
var x = combineRegExp
var OR = '|'
;( = x(/\s*@([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(([\w-]+)?[^;{]*)/))
.names=[ '_atKey', '_atValue', 'name']
CSS.atRule = x([, ';'])
;(CSS.keyValue_key = x(/([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)/))
.names=[ '_key']
;(CSS.keyValue_value_end = x(/(?:;|(?=\})|$)/))
;(CSS.notString = x(/[^"']+/))
;(CSS.stringSingle = x(/"(?:[^"]|\\")*"/))
;(CSS.stringDouble = x(/'(?:[^']|\\')*'/))
;(CSS.string = x(['(?:',CSS.stringSingle ,OR, CSS.stringDouble,')']))
;(CSS.propertyValue = x([/[^;}]+/, CSS.keyValue_value_end]))
var rRound = "(?:[^()]|\\((?:[^()]|\\((?:[^()]|\\((?:[^()]|\\([^()]*\\))*\\))*\\))*\\))"
;(CSS.keyValue_value = x(
, CSS.stringSingle
, OR
, CSS.stringDouble
, OR
, "\\("+rRound+"*\\)"
, OR
, /[^;}()]/ // not a keyValue_value terminator
, ')*)'
, CSS.keyValue_value_end
])).names = ['_value']
;(CSS.keyValue = x([CSS.keyValue_key ,/\s*:\s*/, CSS.keyValue_value]))
;(CSS.comment = x(/\/\*\s*((?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))*)\s*\*\//))
.names=[ 'comment']
;(CSS.selector = x(['(',/\s*(\d+%)\s*/,OR,'(?:',/[^{}'"()]|\([^)]*\)|\[[^\]]*\]/,')+',')']))
.names=[ 'selectorText','keyText']
var rCurly = "(?:[^{}]|\\{(?:[^{}]|\\{(?:[^{}]|\\{(?:[^{}]|\\{[^{}]*\\})*\\})*\\})*\\})"
var rCurlyRound = "(?:[^{}()]+|\\{(?:[^{}()]+|\\{(?:[^{}()]+|\\{(?:[^{}()]+|\\{[^{}()]*\\})*\\})*\\})*\\})"
;(CSS.block = x("\\{\\s*((?:"+"\\("+rRound+"*\\)|"+rCurly+")*)\\s*\\}"))
.names=[ '_style_cssText']
CSS.selectorBlock = x([CSS.selector, CSS.block])
CSS.atBlock = x([, CSS.block])
CSS.parser = x
[ x(CSS.comment)
, OR
, x(CSS.atBlock)
, OR
, x(CSS.atRule)
, OR
, x(CSS.selectorBlock)
, OR
, x(CSS.keyValue)
, 'cssText'
})(typeof exports != 'undefined' ? exports : this);