This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

681 lines
28 KiB

'use strict';
var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }(); /**
* Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
var _path;
function _load_path() {
return _path = _interopRequireDefault(require('path'));
var _jestHasteMap;
function _load_jestHasteMap() {
return _jestHasteMap = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-haste-map'));
var _jestResolve;
function _load_jestResolve() {
return _jestResolve = _interopRequireDefault(require('jest-resolve'));
var _jestUtil;
function _load_jestUtil() {
return _jestUtil = require('jest-util');
var _jestRegexUtil;
function _load_jestRegexUtil() {
return _jestRegexUtil = require('jest-regex-util');
var _gracefulFs;
function _load_gracefulFs() {
return _gracefulFs = _interopRequireDefault(require('graceful-fs'));
var _stripBom;
function _load_stripBom() {
return _stripBom = _interopRequireDefault(require('strip-bom'));
var _script_transformer;
function _load_script_transformer() {
return _script_transformer = _interopRequireDefault(require('./script_transformer'));
var _should_instrument;
function _load_should_instrument() {
return _should_instrument = _interopRequireDefault(require('./should_instrument'));
var _cli;
function _load_cli() {
return _cli = require('./cli');
var _args;
function _load_args() {
return _args = require('./cli/args');
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
const NODE_MODULES = (_path || _load_path()).default.sep + 'node_modules' + (_path || _load_path()).default.sep;
const SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION = 'snap';
const getModuleNameMapper = config => {
if (Array.isArray(config.moduleNameMapper) && config.moduleNameMapper.length) {
return => {
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2);
let regex = _ref2[0],
moduleName = _ref2[1];
return { moduleName, regex: new RegExp(regex) };
return null;
const unmockRegExpCache = new WeakMap();
class Runtime {
constructor(config, environment, resolver, cacheFS, coverageOptions) {
this._cacheFS = cacheFS || Object.create(null);
this._config = config;
this._coverageOptions = coverageOptions || {
collectCoverage: false,
collectCoverageFrom: [],
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: null
this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = '';
this._environment = environment;
this._explicitShouldMock = Object.create(null);
this._internalModuleRegistry = Object.create(null);
this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = null;
this._mockFactories = Object.create(null);
this._mockRegistry = Object.create(null);
this._moduleMocker = this._environment.moduleMocker;
this._moduleRegistry = Object.create(null);
this._needsCoverageMapped = new Set();
this._resolver = resolver;
this._scriptTransformer = new (_script_transformer || _load_script_transformer()).default(config);
this._shouldAutoMock = config.automock;
this._sourceMapRegistry = Object.create(null);
this._virtualMocks = Object.create(null);
this._mockMetaDataCache = Object.create(null);
this._shouldMockModuleCache = Object.create(null);
this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache = Object.create(null);
this._transitiveShouldMock = Object.create(null);
this._unmockList = unmockRegExpCache.get(config);
if (!this._unmockList && config.unmockedModulePathPatterns) {
this._unmockList = new RegExp(config.unmockedModulePathPatterns.join('|'));
unmockRegExpCache.set(config, this._unmockList);
if (config.automock) {
config.setupFiles.forEach(filePath => {
if (filePath && filePath.includes(NODE_MODULES)) {
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, filePath);
this._transitiveShouldMock[moduleID] = false;
if (config.setupFiles.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < config.setupFiles.length; i++) {
static shouldInstrument(filename, options, config) {
return (0, (_should_instrument || _load_should_instrument()).default)(filename, {
collectCoverage: options.collectCoverage,
collectCoverageFrom: options.collectCoverageFrom,
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: options.collectCoverageOnlyFrom
}, config);
static createContext(config, options) {
(0, (_jestUtil || _load_jestUtil()).createDirectory)(config.cacheDirectory);
const instance = Runtime.createHasteMap(config, {
console: options.console,
maxWorkers: options.maxWorkers,
resetCache: !config.cache,
watchman: options.watchman
return => ({
hasteFS: hasteMap.hasteFS,
moduleMap: hasteMap.moduleMap,
resolver: Runtime.createResolver(config, hasteMap.moduleMap)
}), error => {
throw error;
static createHasteMap(config, options) {
const ignorePattern = new RegExp([config.cacheDirectory].concat(config.modulePathIgnorePatterns).join('|'));
return new (_jestHasteMap || _load_jestHasteMap()).default({
cacheDirectory: config.cacheDirectory,
console: options && options.console,
extensions: [SNAPSHOT_EXTENSION].concat(config.moduleFileExtensions),
hasteImplModulePath: config.haste.hasteImplModulePath,
maxWorkers: options && options.maxWorkers || 1,
mocksPattern: (0, (_jestRegexUtil || _load_jestRegexUtil()).escapePathForRegex)((_path || _load_path()).default.sep + '__mocks__' + (_path || _load_path()).default.sep),
platforms: config.haste.platforms || ['ios', 'android'],
providesModuleNodeModules: config.haste.providesModuleNodeModules,
resetCache: options && options.resetCache,
retainAllFiles: false,
roots: config.roots,
useWatchman: options && options.watchman,
watch: options &&
static createResolver(config, moduleMap) {
return new (_jestResolve || _load_jestResolve()).default(moduleMap, {
browser: config.browser,
defaultPlatform: config.haste.defaultPlatform,
extensions: => '.' + extension),
hasCoreModules: true,
moduleDirectories: config.moduleDirectories,
moduleNameMapper: getModuleNameMapper(config),
modulePaths: config.modulePaths,
platforms: config.haste.platforms,
resolver: config.resolver,
rootDir: config.rootDir
static runCLI(args, info) {
return (0, (_cli || _load_cli()).run)(args, info);
static getCLIOptions() {
return (_args || _load_args()).options;
requireModule(from, moduleName, options) {
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
let modulePath;
const moduleRegistry = !options || !options.isInternalModule ? this._moduleRegistry : this._internalModuleRegistry;
// Some old tests rely on this mocking behavior. Ideally we'll change this
// to be more explicit.
const moduleResource = moduleName && this._resolver.getModule(moduleName);
const manualMock = moduleName && this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName);
if ((!options || !options.isInternalModule) && !moduleResource && manualMock && manualMock !== this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock && this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] !== false) {
modulePath = manualMock;
if (moduleName && this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName)) {
return this._requireCoreModule(moduleName);
if (!modulePath) {
modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);
if (!moduleRegistry[modulePath]) {
// We must register the pre-allocated module object first so that any
// circular dependencies that may arise while evaluating the module can
const localModule = {
children: [],
exports: {},
filename: modulePath,
id: modulePath,
loaded: false
moduleRegistry[modulePath] = localModule;
if ((_path || _load_path()).default.extname(modulePath) === '.json') {
localModule.exports =, (_stripBom || _load_stripBom()).default)((_gracefulFs || _load_gracefulFs()).default.readFileSync(modulePath, 'utf8')));
} else if ((_path || _load_path()).default.extname(modulePath) === '.node') {
// $FlowFixMe
localModule.exports = require(modulePath);
} else {
this._execModule(localModule, options, moduleRegistry, from);
localModule.loaded = true;
return moduleRegistry[modulePath].exports;
requireInternalModule(from, to) {
return this.requireModule(from, to, { isInternalModule: true });
requireMock(from, moduleName) {
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
if (this._mockRegistry[moduleID]) {
return this._mockRegistry[moduleID];
if (moduleID in this._mockFactories) {
return this._mockRegistry[moduleID] = this._mockFactories[moduleID]();
let manualMock = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName);
let modulePath;
if (manualMock) {
modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, manualMock);
} else {
modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);
// If the actual module file has a __mocks__ dir sitting immediately next
// to it, look to see if there is a manual mock for this file.
// subDir1/my_module.js
// subDir1/__mocks__/my_module.js
// subDir2/my_module.js
// subDir2/__mocks__/my_module.js
// Where some other module does a relative require into each of the
// respective subDir{1,2} directories and expects a manual mock
// corresponding to that particular my_module.js file.
const moduleDir = (_path || _load_path()).default.dirname(modulePath);
const moduleFileName = (_path || _load_path()).default.basename(modulePath);
const potentialManualMock = (_path || _load_path()).default.join(moduleDir, '__mocks__', moduleFileName);
if ((_gracefulFs || _load_gracefulFs()).default.existsSync(potentialManualMock)) {
manualMock = true;
modulePath = potentialManualMock;
if (manualMock) {
const localModule = {
children: [],
exports: {},
filename: modulePath,
id: modulePath,
loaded: false
this._execModule(localModule, undefined, this._mockRegistry, from);
this._mockRegistry[moduleID] = localModule.exports;
localModule.loaded = true;
} else {
// Look for a real module to generate an automock from
this._mockRegistry[moduleID] = this._generateMock(from, moduleName);
return this._mockRegistry[moduleID];
requireModuleOrMock(from, moduleName) {
if (this._shouldMock(from, moduleName)) {
return this.requireMock(from, moduleName);
} else {
return this.requireModule(from, moduleName);
resetModules() {
this._mockRegistry = Object.create(null);
this._moduleRegistry = Object.create(null);
if (this._environment && {
const envGlobal =;
Object.keys(envGlobal).forEach(key => {
const globalMock = envGlobal[key];
if (typeof globalMock === 'object' && globalMock !== null || typeof globalMock === 'function') {
globalMock._isMockFunction && globalMock.mockClear();
if (envGlobal.mockClearTimers) {
getAllCoverageInfoCopy() {
return (0, (_jestUtil || _load_jestUtil()).deepCyclicCopy)(;
getSourceMapInfo(coveredFiles) {
return Object.keys(this._sourceMapRegistry).reduce((result, sourcePath) => {
if (coveredFiles.has(sourcePath) && this._needsCoverageMapped.has(sourcePath) && (_gracefulFs || _load_gracefulFs()).default.existsSync(this._sourceMapRegistry[sourcePath])) {
result[sourcePath] = this._sourceMapRegistry[sourcePath];
return result;
}, {});
getSourceMaps() {
return this._sourceMapRegistry;
setMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options) {
if (options && options.virtual) {
const mockPath = this._resolver.getModulePath(from, moduleName);
this._virtualMocks[mockPath] = true;
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = true;
this._mockFactories[moduleID] = mockFactory;
restoreAllMocks() {
resetAllMocks() {
clearAllMocks() {
_resolveModule(from, to) {
return to ? this._resolver.resolveModule(from, to) : from;
_execModule(localModule, options, moduleRegistry, from) {
// If the environment was disposed, prevent this module from being executed.
if (! {
const isInternalModule = !!(options && options.isInternalModule);
const filename = localModule.filename;
const lastExecutingModulePath = this._currentlyExecutingModulePath;
this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = filename;
const origCurrExecutingManualMock = this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock;
this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = filename;
const dirname = (_path || _load_path()).default.dirname(filename);
localModule.children = [];
Object.defineProperty(localModule, 'parent',
enumerable: true,
get() {
return moduleRegistry[from] || null;
localModule.paths = this._resolver.getModulePaths(dirname);
Object.defineProperty(localModule, 'require', {
value: this._createRequireImplementation(localModule, options)
const transformedFile = this._scriptTransformer.transform(filename, {
collectCoverage: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverage,
collectCoverageFrom: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverageFrom,
collectCoverageOnlyFrom: this._coverageOptions.collectCoverageOnlyFrom,
}, this._cacheFS[filename]);
if (transformedFile.sourceMapPath) {
this._sourceMapRegistry[filename] = transformedFile.sourceMapPath;
if (transformedFile.mapCoverage) {
const wrapper = this._environment.runScript(transformedFile.script)[(_script_transformer || _load_script_transformer()).default.EVAL_RESULT_VARIABLE];, // module context
localModule, // module object
localModule.exports, // module exports
localModule.require, // require implementation
dirname, // __dirname
filename, // __filename, // global object
// $FlowFixMe
localModule.require) // jest object
this._isCurrentlyExecutingManualMock = origCurrExecutingManualMock;
this._currentlyExecutingModulePath = lastExecutingModulePath;
_requireCoreModule(moduleName) {
if (moduleName === 'process') {
// $FlowFixMe
return require(moduleName);
_generateMock(from, moduleName) {
const modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);
if (!(modulePath in this._mockMetaDataCache)) {
// This allows us to handle circular dependencies while generating an
// automock
this._mockMetaDataCache[modulePath] = this._moduleMocker.getMetadata({});
// In order to avoid it being possible for automocking to potentially
// cause side-effects within the module environment, we need to execute
// the module in isolation. This could cause issues if the module being
// mocked has calls into side-effectful APIs on another module.
const origMockRegistry = this._mockRegistry;
const origModuleRegistry = this._moduleRegistry;
this._mockRegistry = Object.create(null);
this._moduleRegistry = Object.create(null);
const moduleExports = this.requireModule(from, moduleName);
// Restore the "real" module/mock registries
this._mockRegistry = origMockRegistry;
this._moduleRegistry = origModuleRegistry;
const mockMetadata = this._moduleMocker.getMetadata(moduleExports);
if (mockMetadata == null) {
throw new Error(`Failed to get mock metadata: ${modulePath}\n\n` + `See:`);
this._mockMetaDataCache[modulePath] = mockMetadata;
return this._moduleMocker.generateFromMetadata(this._mockMetaDataCache[modulePath]);
_shouldMock(from, moduleName) {
const mockPath = this._resolver.getModulePath(from, moduleName);
if (mockPath in this._virtualMocks) {
return true;
const explicitShouldMock = this._explicitShouldMock;
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
const key = from + (_path || _load_path()).default.delimiter + moduleID;
if (moduleID in explicitShouldMock) {
return explicitShouldMock[moduleID];
if (!this._shouldAutoMock || this._resolver.isCoreModule(moduleName) || this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache[key]) {
return false;
if (moduleID in this._shouldMockModuleCache) {
return this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID];
let modulePath;
try {
modulePath = this._resolveModule(from, moduleName);
} catch (e) {
const manualMock = this._resolver.getMockModule(from, moduleName);
if (manualMock) {
this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID] = true;
return true;
throw e;
if (this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(modulePath)) {
this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID] = false;
return false;
// transitive unmocking for package managers that store flat packages (npm3)
const currentModuleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from);
if (this._transitiveShouldMock[currentModuleID] === false || from.includes(NODE_MODULES) && modulePath.includes(NODE_MODULES) && (this._unmockList && this._unmockList.test(from) || explicitShouldMock[currentModuleID] === false)) {
this._transitiveShouldMock[moduleID] = false;
this._shouldUnmockTransitiveDependenciesCache[key] = true;
return false;
return this._shouldMockModuleCache[moduleID] = true;
_createRequireImplementation(from, options) {
const moduleRequire = options && options.isInternalModule ? moduleName => this.requireInternalModule(from.filename, moduleName) : this.requireModuleOrMock.bind(this, from.filename);
moduleRequire.cache = Object.create(null);
moduleRequire.extensions = Object.create(null);
moduleRequire.requireActual = this.requireModule.bind(this, from.filename);
moduleRequire.requireMock = this.requireMock.bind(this, from.filename);
moduleRequire.resolve = moduleName => this._resolveModule(from.filename, moduleName);
Object.defineProperty(moduleRequire, 'main', {
enumerable: true,
get() {
let mainModule = from.parent;
while (mainModule && mainModule.parent && !== {
mainModule = mainModule.parent;
return mainModule;
return moduleRequire;
_createJestObjectFor(from, localRequire) {
const disableAutomock = () => {
this._shouldAutoMock = false;
return jestObject;
const enableAutomock = () => {
this._shouldAutoMock = true;
return jestObject;
const unmock = moduleName => {
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = false;
return jestObject;
const deepUnmock = moduleName => {
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = false;
this._transitiveShouldMock[moduleID] = false;
return jestObject;
const mock = (moduleName, mockFactory, options) => {
if (mockFactory !== undefined) {
return setMockFactory(moduleName, mockFactory, options);
const moduleID = this._resolver.getModuleID(this._virtualMocks, from, moduleName);
this._explicitShouldMock[moduleID] = true;
return jestObject;
const setMockFactory = (moduleName, mockFactory, options) => {
this.setMock(from, moduleName, mockFactory, options);
return jestObject;
const clearAllMocks = () => {
return jestObject;
const resetAllMocks = () => {
return jestObject;
const restoreAllMocks = () => {
return jestObject;
const useFakeTimers = () => {
return jestObject;
const useRealTimers = () => {
return jestObject;
const resetModules = () => {
return jestObject;
const fn = this._moduleMocker.fn.bind(this._moduleMocker);
const spyOn = this._moduleMocker.spyOn.bind(this._moduleMocker);
const setTimeout = timeout => { ? = timeout :[Symbol.for('TEST_TIMEOUT_SYMBOL')] = timeout;
return jestObject;
const jestObject = {
addMatchers: matchers =>,
advanceTimersByTime: msToRun => this._environment.fakeTimers.advanceTimersByTime(msToRun),
autoMockOff: disableAutomock,
autoMockOn: enableAutomock,
clearAllTimers: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.clearAllTimers(),
doMock: mock,
dontMock: unmock,
genMockFn: fn,
genMockFromModule: moduleName => this._generateMock(from, moduleName),
genMockFunction: fn,
isMockFunction: this._moduleMocker.isMockFunction,
requireActual: localRequire.requireActual,
requireMock: localRequire.requireMock,
resetModuleRegistry: resetModules,
runAllImmediates: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runAllImmediates(),
runAllTicks: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runAllTicks(),
runAllTimers: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runAllTimers(),
runOnlyPendingTimers: () => this._environment.fakeTimers.runOnlyPendingTimers(),
runTimersToTime: msToRun => this._environment.fakeTimers.advanceTimersByTime(msToRun),
setMock: (moduleName, mock) => setMockFactory(moduleName, () => mock),
return jestObject;
Runtime.ScriptTransformer = (_script_transformer || _load_script_transformer()).default;
module.exports = Runtime;