This app provides monitoring and information features for the common freifunk user and the technical stuff of a freifunk community. Code base is taken from a TUM Practical Course project and added here to see if Freifunk Altdorf can use it.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

425 lines
24 KiB

"use strict";
var util = require('util');
var cssstyle = require('../lib/CSSStyleDeclaration');
var camelToDashed = require('../lib/parsers').camelToDashed;
* These are the required properties
* see
var properties = [ 'azimuth', 'background', 'backgroundAttachment', 'backgroundColor', 'backgroundImage', 'backgroundPosition', 'backgroundRepeat', 'border', 'borderCollapse', 'borderColor', 'borderSpacing', 'borderStyle', 'borderTop', 'borderRight', 'borderBottom', 'borderLeft', 'borderTopColor', 'borderRightColor', 'borderBottomColor', 'borderLeftColor', 'borderTopStyle', 'borderRightStyle', 'borderBottomStyle', 'borderLeftStyle', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderRightWidth', 'borderBottomWidth', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderWidth', 'bottom', 'captionSide', 'clear', 'clip', 'color', 'content', 'counterIncrement', 'counterReset', 'cue', 'cueAfter', 'cueBefore', 'cursor', 'direction', 'display', 'elevation', 'emptyCells', 'cssFloat', 'font', 'fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'fontSizeAdjust', 'fontStretch', 'fontStyle', 'fontVariant', 'fontWeight', 'height', 'left', 'letterSpacing', 'lineHeight', 'listStyle', 'listStyleImage', 'listStylePosition', 'listStyleType', 'margin', 'marginTop', 'marginRight', 'marginBottom', 'marginLeft', 'markerOffset', 'marks', 'maxHeight', 'maxWidth', 'minHeight', 'minWidth', 'orphans', 'outline', 'outlineColor', 'outlineStyle', 'outlineWidth', 'overflow', 'padding', 'paddingTop', 'paddingRight', 'paddingBottom', 'paddingLeft', 'page', 'pageBreakAfter', 'pageBreakBefore', 'pageBreakInside', 'pause', 'pauseAfter', 'pauseBefore', 'pitch', 'pitchRange', 'playDuring', 'position', 'quotes', 'richness', 'right', 'size', 'speak', 'speakHeader', 'speakNumeral', 'speakPunctuation', 'speechRate', 'stress', 'tableLayout', 'textAlign', 'textDecoration', 'textIndent', 'textShadow', 'textTransform', 'top', 'unicodeBidi', 'verticalAlign', 'visibility', 'voiceFamily', 'volume', 'whiteSpace', 'widows', 'width', 'wordSpacing', 'zIndex'];
var dashed_properties = (property) {
return camelToDashed(property);
module.exports = {
'Verify Has Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
test.expect(properties.length * 2);
properties.forEach(function (property) {
test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
'Verify Has Dashed Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
test.expect(dashed_properties.length * 2);
dashed_properties.forEach(function (property) {
test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__(property), 'missing ' + property + ' property');
'Verify Has Functions': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
test.ok(typeof style.getPropertyValue === 'function', 'missing getPropertyValue()');
test.ok(typeof style.getPropertyCSSValue === 'function', 'missing getPropertyCSSValue()');
test.ok(typeof style.removeProperty === 'function', 'missing removeProperty()');
test.ok(typeof style.getPropertyPriority === 'function', 'missing getPropertyPriority()');
test.ok(typeof style.setProperty === 'function', 'missing setProperty()');
test.ok(typeof style.item === 'function', 'missing item()');
'Verify Has Special Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__('cssText'), 'missing cssText getter');
test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__('cssText'), 'missing cssText setter');
test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__('length'), 'missing length getter');
test.ok(style.__lookupSetter__('length'), 'missing length setter');
test.ok(style.__lookupGetter__('parentRule'), 'missing parentRule getter');
'Test From Style String': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.cssText = 'color: blue; background-color: red; width: 78%';
test.ok(3 === style.length, 'length is not 3');
test.ok('color: blue; background-color: red; width: 78%;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is wrong');
test.ok('blue' === style.getPropertyValue('color'), "getPropertyValue('color') failed");
test.ok('color' === style.item(0), 'item(0) failed');
test.ok('background-color' === style[1], 'style[1] failed');
test.ok('red' === style.backgroundColor, 'style.backgroundColor failed with "' + style.backgroundColor + '"');
style.cssText = '';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not empty');
test.ok(0 === style.length, 'length is not 0');
'Test From Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.color = 'blue';
test.ok(1 === style.length, 'length is not 1');
test.ok('color' === style[0], 'style[0] is not color');
test.ok('color: blue;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is wrong');
test.ok('color' === style.item(0), 'item(0) is not color');
test.ok('blue' === style.color, 'color is not blue');
style.backgroundColor = 'red';
test.ok(2 === style.length, 'length is not 2');
test.ok('color' === style[0], 'style[0] is not color');
test.ok('background-color' === style[1], 'style[1] is not background-color');
test.ok('color: blue; background-color: red;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is wrong');
test.ok('red' === style.backgroundColor, 'backgroundColor is not red');
test.ok('background-color' === style[0], 'style[0] is not background-color');
'Test Shorthand Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.background = 'blue url(';
test.ok('blue' === style.backgroundColor, 'backgroundColor is not blue');
test.ok('url(' === style.backgroundImage, 'backgroundImage is wrong');
test.ok('blue url(' === style.background, 'background is different');
style.border = '0 solid black';
test.ok('0px' === style.borderWidth, 'borderWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('solid' === style.borderStyle, 'borderStyle is not solid');
test.ok('black' === style.borderColor, 'borderColor is not black');
test.ok('0px' === style.borderTopWidth, 'borderTopWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('solid' === style.borderLeftStyle, 'borderLeftStyle is not solid');
test.ok('black' === style.borderBottomColor, 'borderBottomColor is not black');
style.font = '12em monospace';
test.ok('12em' === style.fontSize, 'fontSize is not 12em');
test.ok('monospace' === style.fontFamily, 'fontFamily is not monospace');
'Test width and height Properties and null and empty strings': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.height = 6;
test.ok('' === style.height, 'height does not remain unset');
style.width = 0;
test.ok('0px' === style.width, 'width is not 0px');
style.height = '34%';
test.ok('34%' === style.height, 'height is not 34%');
style.height = '';
test.ok(style.length === 1, 'length is not 1');
test.ok('width: 0px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "width: 0px;"');
style.width = null;
test.ok(style.length === 0, 'length is not 0');
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not empty string');
'Test Implicit Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.borderWidth = 0;
test.ok(1 === style.length, 'length is not 1');
test.ok('0px' === style.borderWidth, 'borderWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('0px' === style.borderTopWidth, 'borderTopWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('0px' === style.borderBottomWidth, 'borderBottomWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('0px' === style.borderLeftWidth, 'borderLeftWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('0px' === style.borderRightWidth, 'borderRightWidth is not 0px');
test.ok('border-width: 0px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-width: 0px", "' + style.cssText + '"');
'Test Top, Left, Right, Bottom Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
test.expect(6); = 0;
style.left = '0%';
style.right = '5em';
style.bottom = '12pt';
test.ok('0px' ===, 'top is not 0px');
test.ok('0%' === style.left, 'left is not 0%');
test.ok('5em' === style.right, 'right is not 5em');
test.ok('12pt' === style.bottom, 'bottom is not 12pt');
test.ok(4 === style.length, 'length is not 4');
test.ok('top: 0px; left: 0%; right: 5em; bottom: 12pt;' === style.cssText, 'text is not "top: 0px; left: 0%; right: 5em; bottom: 12pt;"');
'Test Clear and Clip Properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.clear = 'none';
test.ok('none' === style.clear, 'clear is not none');
style.clear = 'lfet'; // intentionally wrong
test.ok('none' === style.clear, 'clear is not still none');
style.clear = 'left';
test.ok('left' === style.clear, 'clear is not left');
style.clear = 'right';
test.ok('right' === style.clear, 'clear is not right');
style.clear = 'both';
test.ok('both' === style.clear, 'clear is not both');
style.clip = 'elipse(5px, 10px)';
test.ok('' === style.clip, 'clip should not be set');
test.ok(1 === style.length, 'length is not 1');
style.clip = 'rect(0, 3Em, 2pt, 50%)';
test.ok('rect(0px, 3em, 2pt, 50%)' === style.clip, 'clip is not "rect(0px, 3em, 2pt, 50%)", "' + style.clip + '"');
test.ok(2 === style.length, 'length is not 2');
test.ok('clear: both; clip: rect(0px, 3em, 2pt, 50%);' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "clear: both; clip: rect(0px, 3em, 2pt, 50%);"');
'Test colors': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)';
test.ok('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' === style.color, 'color is not rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)');
style.color = 'rgba(5%, 10%, 20%, 0.4)';
test.ok('rgba(12, 25, 51, 0.4)' === style.color, 'color is not rgba(12, 25, 51, 0.4)');
style.color = 'rgb(33%, 34%, 33%)';
test.ok('rgb(84, 86, 84)' === style.color, 'color is not rgb(84, 86, 84)');
style.color = 'rgba(300, 200, 100, 1.5)';
test.ok('rgb(255, 200, 100)' === style.color, 'color is not rgb(255, 200, 100) ' + style.color);
'Test short hand properties with embedded spaces': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.background = 'rgb(0, 0, 0) url(/something/somewhere.jpg)';
test.ok('rgb(0, 0, 0)' === style.backgroundColor, 'backgroundColor is not rgb(0, 0, 0): ' + style.backgroundColor);
test.ok('url(/something/somewhere.jpg)' === style.backgroundImage, 'backgroundImage is not url(/something/somewhere.jpg): ' + style.backgroundImage);
test.ok('background: rgb(0, 0, 0) url(/something/somewhere.jpg);' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not correct: ' + style.cssText);
style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.border = ' 1px solid black ';
test.ok('1px solid black' === style.border, 'multiple spaces not properly parsed: ' + style.border);
'Setting shorthand properties to an empty string should clear all dependent properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.borderWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.border = '';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
'Setting implicit properties to an empty string should clear all dependent properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-top-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderWidth = '';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
'Setting a shorthand property, whose shorthands are implicit properties, to an empty string should clear all dependent properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-top-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.border = '';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTop = '1px solid black';
test.ok('border-top: 1px solid black;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top: 1px solid black;": ' + style.cssText);
style.border = '';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
'Setting border values to "none" should clear dependent values': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-top-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.border = 'none';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-top-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTopStyle = 'none';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-top-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTop = 'none';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTopWidth = '1px';
style.borderLeftWidth = '1px';
test.ok('border-top-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-top-width: 1px; border-left-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
style.borderTop = 'none';
test.ok('border-left-width: 1px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border-left-width: 1px;": ' + style.cssText);
'Setting border to 0 should be okay': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.border = 0;
test.ok('border: 0px;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border: 0px;": ' + style.cssText);
'Setting values implicit and shorthand properties via cssText and setProperty should propagate to dependent properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.cssText = 'border: 1px solid black;';
test.ok('border: 1px solid black;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border: 1px solid black;": ' + style.cssText);
test.ok('1px solid black' === style.borderTop, 'borderTop is not "1px solid black": ' + style.borderTop);
style.border = '';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "": ' + style.cssText);
style.setProperty('border', '1px solid black');
test.ok('border: 1px solid black;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "border: 1px solid black;": ' + style.cssText);
'Setting opacity should work': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.setProperty('opacity', 0.75);
test.ok('opacity: 0.75;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "opacity: 0.75;": ' + style.cssText);
style.opacity = '0.50';
test.ok('opacity: 0.5;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "opacity: 0.5;": ' + style.cssText);
style.opacity = 1.0;
test.ok('opacity: 1;' === style.cssText, 'cssText is not "opacity: 1;": ' + style.cssText);
'Width and height of auto should work': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.width = "auto";
test.equal(style.cssText,'width: auto;', 'cssText is not "width: auto;": ' + style.cssText);
test.equal(style.width,'auto', 'width is not "auto": ' + style.width);
style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.height = "auto";
test.equal(style.cssText,'height: auto;', 'cssText is not "height: auto;": ' + style.cssText);
test.equal(style.height,'auto', 'height is not "auto": ' + style.height);
'Padding and margin should set/clear shorthand properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
var parts = ["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"];
var testParts = function (name,v,V) {
style[name] = v;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var part = name + parts[i];
test.equal(V[i],style[part], part + ' is not "' + V[i] + '": "' + style[part] + '"');
test.equal(v,style[name], name + ' is not "' + v + '": "' + style[name] + '"');
style[name] = "";
testParts("padding","1px 2%",["1px","2%","1px","2%"]);
testParts("padding","1px 2px 3px",["1px","2px","3px","2px"]);
testParts("padding","1px 2px 3px 4px",["1px","2px","3px","4px"]);
style.paddingTop = style.paddingRight = style.paddingBottom = style.paddingLeft = "1px";
testParts("margin","1px auto",["1px","auto","1px","auto"]);
testParts("margin","1px 2% 3px",["1px","2%","3px","2%"]);
testParts("margin","1px 2px 3px 4px",["1px","2px","3px","4px"]);
style.marginTop = style.marginRight = style.marginBottom = style.marginLeft = "1px";
'Padding and margin shorthands should set main properties': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
var parts = ["Top","Right","Bottom","Left"];
var testParts = function (name,v,V) {
var expect;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
style[name] = v;
style[name+parts[i]] = V;
expect = v.split(/ /);
expect[i] = V;
expect = expect.join(" ");
test.equal(expect,style[name], name + ' is not "' + expect + '": "' + style[name] + '"');
testParts("padding","1px 2px 3px 4px","10px");
testParts("margin","1px 2px 3px 4px","10px");
testParts("margin","1px 2px 3px 4px","auto");
'Setting a value to 0 should return the string value': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.setProperty('fill-opacity', 0);
test.ok('0' === style.fillOpacity, 'fillOpacity is not "0": ' + style.fillOpacity);
'onChange callback should be called when the cssText changes': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration(function (cssText) {
test.ok('opacity: 0;' === cssText, 'cssText is not "opacity: 0;": ' + cssText);
style.setProperty('opacity', 0);
'Setting float should work the same as cssFloat': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.float = 'left';
test.ok('left' === style.cssFloat, 'cssFloat is not "left": ' + style.cssFloat);
'Setting improper css to cssText should not throw': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.cssText = 'color: ';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText wasn\'t cleared: ' + style.cssText);
style.color = 'black';
style.cssText = 'float: ';
test.ok('' === style.cssText, 'cssText wasn\'t cleared: ' + style.cssText);
'Make sure url parsing works with quotes': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.backgroundImage = 'url(http://some/url/here1.png)';
test.ok('url(http://some/url/here1.png)' === style.backgroundImage, 'background-image wasn\'t url(http://some/url/here1.png): ' + style.backgroundImage);
style.backgroundImage = 'url(\'http://some/url/here2.png\')';
test.ok('url(http://some/url/here2.png)' === style.backgroundImage, 'background-image wasn\'t url(http://some/url/here2.png): ' + style.backgroundImage);
style.backgroundImage = 'url("http://some/url/here3.png")';
test.ok('url(http://some/url/here3.png)' === style.backgroundImage, 'background-image wasn\'t url(http://some/url/here3.png): ' + style.backgroundImage);
'Make sure setting 0 to a padding or margin works': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.padding = 0;
test.equal(style.cssText, 'padding: 0px;', 'padding is not 0px');
style.margin = '1em';
style.marginTop = '0'
test.equal(style.marginTop, '0px', 'margin-top is not 0px');
'Make sure setting ex units to a padding or margin works': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.padding = '1ex';
test.equal(style.cssText, 'padding: 1ex;', 'padding is not 1ex');
style.margin = '1em';
style.marginTop = '0.5ex'
test.equal(style.marginTop, '0.5ex', 'margin-top is not 0.5ex');
'Make sure setting null to background works': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.background = 'red';
test.equal(style.cssText, 'background: red;', 'background is not red');
style.background = null;
test.equal(style.cssText, '', 'cssText is not empty');
'Flex properties should keep their values': function (test) {
var style = new cssstyle.CSSStyleDeclaration();
style.flexDirection = 'column';
test.equal(style.cssText, 'flex-direction: column;', 'flex-direction is not column');
style.flexDirection = 'row';
test.equal(style.cssText, 'flex-direction: row;', 'flex-direction is not column');