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>## This Project Is Deprecated
>React Hot Loader 3 is [on the horizon](, and you can try it today ([boilerplate branch](, [upgrade example]( It fixes some [long-standing issues]( with both React Hot Loader and React Transform, and is intended as a replacement for both. The docs are not there yet, but they will be added before the final release. For now, [this commit]( is a good reference.
# babel-plugin-react-transform
[![react-transform channel on discord](](
:rocket: **Now with [Babel 6]( support** (thank you [@thejameskyle](!)
This plugin wraps React components with arbitrary transforms. In other words, **it allows you to instrument React components** in any way—limited only by your imagination.
## 🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧
This is **highly experimental tech**. If you’re enthusiastic about hot reloading, by all means, give it a try, but don’t bet your project on it. Either of the technologies it relies upon may change drastically or get deprecated any day. You’ve been warned 😉 .
**This technology exists to prototype next-generation React developer experience**. Please don’t use it blindly if you don’t know the underlying technologies well. Otherwise you are likely to get disillusioned with JavaScript tooling.
**No effort went into making this user-friendly yet. The goal is to eventually kill this technology** in favor of less hacky technologies baked into React. These projects are not long term.
## Table of Contents
* [Ecosystem](#ecosystem)
* [Demo Project](#demo-project)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Writing Transforms](#writing-transforms)
## Ecosystem
For a reference implementation, see [**react-transform-boilerplate**](
For a starter kit to help write your own transforms, see [**react-transform-noop**](
#### Transforms
* [**react-transform-hmr**]( - enables hot reloading using HMR API
* [**react-transform-catch-errors**]( - catches errors inside `render()`
* [**react-transform-debug-inspector**]( - renders an inline prop inspector
* [**react-transform-render-visualizer**]( - highlight components when updated
* [**react-transform-style**]( - support `style` and `className` styling for all components
* [**react-transform-log-render**]( - log component renders with passed props and state
* [**react-transform-count-renders**]( - counts how many times your components render
Feeling inspired? Learn [how to write transforms](#writing-transforms) and send a PR!
## Demo Project
Check out **[react-transform-boilerplate](** for a demo showing a combination of transforms.
## Installation
This plugin is designed to be used with the Babel 6 ecosystem. These instructions assume you have a working project set up. If you do not have Babel set up in your project, [learn how to integrate]( it with your toolkit before installing this plugin.
##### Using NPM
Install plugin and save in `devDependencies`:
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-react-transform
Install some transforms:
npm install --save-dev react-transform-hmr
npm install --save-dev react-transform-catch-errors
##### Configuration
Add react-transform to the list of plugins in your babel configuration (usually `.babelrc`):
"presets": ["react", "es2015"],
"env": {
// this plugin will be included only in development mode, e.g.
// if NODE_ENV (or BABEL_ENV) environment variable is not set
// or is equal to "development"
"development": {
"plugins": [
// must be an array with options object as second item
["react-transform", {
// must be an array of objects
"transforms": [{
// can be an NPM module name or a local path
"transform": "react-transform-hmr",
// see transform docs for "imports" and "locals" dependencies
"imports": ["react"],
"locals": ["module"]
}, {
// you can have many transforms, not just one
"transform": "react-transform-catch-errors",
"imports": ["react", "redbox-react"]
}, {
// can be an NPM module name or a local path
"transform": "./src/my-custom-transform"
// by default we only look for `React.createClass` (and ES6 classes)
// but you can tell the plugin to look for different component factories:
// factoryMethods: ["React.createClass", "createClass"]
As you can see, each transform, apart from the `transform` field where you write it name, also has `imports` and `locals` fields. You should consult the docs of each individual transform to learn which `imports` and `locals` it might need, and how it uses them. You probably already guessed that this is just a way to inject local variables (like `module`) or dependencies (like `react`) into the transforms that need them.
Note that when using `React.createClass()` and allowing `babel` to extract the `displayName` property you must ensure that [babel-plugin-react-display-name]( is included before `react-transform`. See [this github issue]( for more details.
You may optionally specify an array of strings called `factoryMethods` if you want the plugin to look for components created with a factory method other than `React.createClass`. Note that you don’t have to do anything special to look for ES6 components—`factoryMethods` is only relevant if you use factory methods akin to `React.createClass`.
## Writing Transforms
It’s not hard to write a custom transform! First, make sure you call your NPM package `react-transform-*` so we have uniform naming across the transforms. The only thing you should export from your transform module is a function.
export default function myTransform() {
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This function should *return another function*:
export default function myTransform() {
return function wrap(ReactClass) {
// ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
return ReactClass;
As you can see, you’ll receive `ReactClass` as a parameter. It’s up to you to do something with it: monkeypatch its methods, create another component with the same prototype and a few different methods, wrap it into a higher-order component, etc. Be creative!
export default function logAllUpdates() {
return function wrap(ReactClass) {
const displayName = // ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
const originalComponentDidUpdate = ReactClass.prototype.componentDidUpdate;
ReactClass.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate() {`${displayName} updated:`, this.props, this.state);
if (originalComponentDidUpdate) {
originalComponentDidUpdate.apply(this, arguments);
return ReactClass;
Oh, how do I get `displayName`?
Actually, we give your transformation function a single argument called `options`. Yes, `options`:
export default function logAllUpdates(options) {
It contains some useful data. For example, your `options` could look like this:
// the file being processed
filename: '/Users/dan/p/my-projects/src/App.js',
// remember that "imports" .babelrc option?
imports: [React],
// remember that "locals" .babelrc option?
locals: [module],
// all components declared in the current file
components: {
$_MyComponent: {
// with their displayName when available
displayName: 'MyComponent'
$_SomeOtherComponent: {
displayName: 'SomeOtherComponent',
// and telling whether they are defined inside a function
isInFunction: true
Of course, you might not want to use *all* options, but isn’t it nice to know that you have access to them in the top scope—which means before the component definitions actually run? (Hint: a hot reloading plugin might use this to decide whether a module is worthy of reloading, even if it contains an error and no React components have yet been wrapped because of it.)
So, to retrieve the `displayName` (or `isInFunction`, when available), use the `options` parameter *and* the second `uniqueId` parameter given to the inner function after `ReactClass`:
export default function logAllUpdates(options) {
return function wrap(ReactClass, uniqueId) {
const displayName = options.components[uniqueId].displayName || '<Unknown>';
This is it!
Sure, it’s a slightly contrived example, as you can grab `ReactClass.displayName` just fine, but it illustrates a point: you have information about all of the components inside a file before that file executes, which is *very* handy for some transformations.
Here is the complete code for this example transformation function:
export default function logAllUpdates(options) {
return function wrap(ReactClass, uniqueId) {
const displayName = options.components[uniqueId].displayName || '<Unknown>';
const originalComponentDidUpdate = ReactClass.prototype.componentDidUpdate;
ReactClass.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate() {`${displayName} updated:`, this.props, this.state);
if (originalComponentDidUpdate) {
originalComponentDidUpdate.apply(this, arguments);
return ReactClass;
Now go ahead and write your own! Don’t forget to tag it with `react-transform` [keyword on npm](
## Patrons
The work on React Transform, [React Hot Loader](, [Redux](, and related projects was [funded by the community]( Meet some of the outstanding companies that made it possible:
* [Webflow](
* [Ximedes](
[See the full list of React Transform patrons.](
## License